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Poetry * Stories * Custom

story: n. 1. the telling of a happening, or a connected series of happenings, whether true or fictitious.
2. a romantic legend or history


The following are excerpts from personalized romantic fantasies that I have created by request, by challenge, or by interest.

Please enjoy the passages below.

excerpts from CoffeeShop Chronicle

"...I find myself traveling down that familiar brick street at the center of the city. It's a popular street, crammed with little art shops and restaurants. Where shall I go today, I think, but I know exactly where my feet are taking me: the same place I always end up-there's just something about that place that seems to draw me in every time..."

"...I marvel at your concentration as you sit there, intently working. Oh, how I wish I could explore that mind--search it, probe it, touch it... I smile as I notice you tapping your foot to the same rhythm I am. Although I remain hidden, I feel as if you know I am watching you, and that somehow, you are watching me too. You know what you are doing to me, and you're enjoying it, aren't you? I think to you. For some reason that thought excites me beyond belief..."

c. elyzsia 2000.

excerpts from Mind, Body, and Soul

"...As the plane set down, Ethan felt a growing sense of anticipation. He couldn't believe that he was actually here in Argentina, seated on a plane among many of the US's best extreme athletes. The letter from the mountain race's committee had promised that some exciting challenges lie ahead of them. As his mind wandered, thinking of just what those challenges might be, a smile spread across his face. He felt that if he could complete this race, there would never be anything in life he couldn't tackle..."

"...He turned slowly, savoring the anticipation of the face that would accompany that lovely voice. As he turned completely, he saw only the side of her face. She had turned to fetch something from her straw bag, but from her profile, he could tell who it was. He would have remembered those lips anywhere. He peered down into her bag over her shoulder and saw amongst other things a small wooden flute and a bottle of water..."

c. elyzsia 2000.

excerpts from Liquid Velvet

"...As you entered the club, you felt as though you were passing into another reality. At once, you were both thrilled and disgusted by the chaos...

...They thrashed about happily, seemingly lost in some sort of cosmic fantasy. Pounding electronic music caused the floor beneath your feet to vibrate with driving bass and celestial melodies. You found that you felt somewhat at home in the darkness, while drinking in the warm, thick, steamy air..."

"...She leaned closer to you, her lips barely touching your earlobe, and whispered, "Follow me..." She turned and sauntered through the crowd, swirling the glowing rods and looking back occasionally, smiling, luring you on. You followed at a slight distance to view her lilting form silhouetted against the colored lights of the club. You had to admit to yourself, this woman had certainly intrigued you. You wondered where she was taking you, but part of you didn't care.

c. elyzsia 2000.

an excerpt from Just A Little Detour

"...Only fifteen minutes had passed, but she felt like she had already waited an eternity. With annoyance, she pressed the button to slide the window shut. That cool early spring air had felt so nice on her skin, but now all she could think of was how much she wanted to get home and curl up under her blankets for a nice nap. But nooo, she was stuck here, bored out of her mind, not to mention uncomfortable about the fact that she was stranded out here alone. She couldn't believe the road was so empty. Only a handful of cars had passed by in that time and none had even bothered to stop and check on her. See?, she scolded herself, This is what you get for trying something different...

...She was roused from her thoughts by a tap at the window. After getting over the initial shock, her eyes met with those of the man who stood beside her..."

c. elyzsia 2000.

If you would like a story written specifically for you, or if you would like more information about my work,
please see Custom Writing Services or contact me at


If you would like experience a visual story of my journeys, please visit ~the travels of eleelove~.

Poetry * Stories * Custom