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Breifs Trunks and Marron

Well here is the one time line of Trunks and a girl..can u guess who he ends up with in the other?..I`ll give u all a good isnt Marron..cause she`s dead..

Marron Breifs

Marron is a queit and untrained human girl. her blonde locks and girly looks could grabb a few guys attention in GT..But she is snuffed out like all the other good charecters..( like Vegeta...and Bra...and..Ubbu..shall i bother to go on?) She has a female in distress kind of look..and well what man with a BIG ego could miss out on impressing her with his strong half saiyan muscles?

Trunks Breifs

Trunks is a bit like his father. Stubborn and just as cute..^_~..He is the heir to the saiyan empire Vegeta seems to abandon. Being his age and so cute girls flock to him where ever he goes. He seems to still show the shyness of a boy we met earlier in the series called Mirai Trunks. He ends up though following Goku and Pan around in space to find something..but did he really find it?

What happens to them in DBU

What can I say..I`m a hopeless romantic...Trunks and Marron are friends and stay that way till the very near end. This time line Trunks and Marron fall inlove when he has to save her from a BIG mean envasion of super warriors. It`s a romantic love..for the most part but Trunks is Trunks and he can be a little to much like Vegeta for even her comfort. They marry..have two kids..and live happily ever after..well in this world they do..