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oh boy i've updated my site hehe anyway i just fixed my Goku's images page i've got them in thumbnails now and i hope to have them all in thumbnails by the end of the summer. It's been a long time since i've updated. I'll update more often when i get fanart and some fanfics ok.


Ok i'm really sorry about that music thing my copmuter wouldn't download them and i could put the page up but i now have some of the music up i hope to have moerr up soon. i'll have some winamp up today too. ok i got my DBZ winamps done go check it out.


ok i' really sorry for not updating sooner but i've been REALLY busy with school work but i did get most of the DBZ soundtraks just a few more to get. also i'm gonna post more winamp tomorrow, so look out for it. now onto what i've updated. i've updated the capture section and i'm gonna have a new section too my music section i've uploaded my favourtie song so enjoy and i'll have th winamp skins up later.


ok this isn't an update but i'd like you to know that this site is now not going to be updated till November so be paitent there is lots to do here.


ok it's been awhile since i've updated but it's not an update really my internet has been going on and off on and off you get the idea so i hope to update either tomorrow or next week. sorry for not updating sooner.


ok so i'm a couple of seconds late but i did get some more animated gifs up there all on page 7 i hope to add some fanart when i get it as well as fanfics so please send me some they don't have to be dbz related also i've added a new message board so leave anything you wish there


today i've added more in my capture section you can find it in my other goodies as well you can find the winamp skins there too. i'll have more animated gifs tomorrow.


today i've updated my news section as well as my winamp i've got new winamp skins in all th e section as well as two new ones they are digimon and Escaflowne well that's all for now i hope to fanart and fanfics from you people or i can't put the sections up so please send me some.


today i've got my awards one of them was given as a gift and i would like to thank db/z/gt millenium for the extra award i will give you my thank for your kindness. sorry if that is kinda supid to thank someone for something like that but i like to thank him because he didn't have to but he did.


ok i've finished the winamp skins except for the digimon ones i have to still do them but i think that what i have put up will be good enough for now. I've also finished the rest of the big update i've got new images in the piccolo,goteks,pan and animated gifs page 7. I hope to get some fanart and fanfics but you will have to e-mail them to me ok it is at the bottom of the main page that's all for now hope to see you next week or tomorrow for the digimon winamp skins


ok i've added a couple new sections to my page there are the awards which i'm getting soon and other goodies the winamp skins will be up by tomorrow for sure so look for them tomorrow ok that's all for now. i'll finish the big update on friday.


ok it's half the big update my computer refuses to download anything else right now but for now here is what i have got new picture section chichi,cell,and brolly, goku,group,vegeta,vegetto,gohan,goten,trunks,androids,bulma i hope to add the rest of the stuff later ok that all for now


ok i said the next update would be the big one but it isn't yet i'm still trying to capture images. also i'll be adding a new section too. i hope you understand i'll either make the update tomorrow or tuesday next week ok. today i've just added some info to the charaters here are the ones gohan,goten,android 17 and 18,turles,trunks,pan,chichi and that's it so i'll see ya tomorrow or next week.


today was just to fix broken link and add link i've added 4 new link they are at the bottom of the link page also fixed some too i'm also going to fix some of the pictures that are broken linked. That's all for now just wait a couple more days it will be a big update


ok i said i would see if i could add images but i'm going to update in August cause i will be finished summer school and i will beable to work on my site wait till next week and i'll have a big update remember you can also ask me what would be good to put on my site. I've become a new member of something go check it out.


ok it's been awhile since i've updated but remember i'm in summer school. I won't be making another update till in august because my camera friends camera is broken and won't be fixed until then but i have a few images that i got before it broke i will add them in a few days most likey on July 26 or later. Ok i got a new poll and a new guestbook also i got rid of some of my vote for me cause they don't work anymore. Well see you in awhile i got the Trunks video for my birthday and i hope to add some sounds soon too. Maybe in a couple of months i will get a camera so i can make some video's. Ok see ya later for now. If you want me to add anything that you would like to see please tell me in my guestbook ok.


ok big images update today like i said yesterday i would have them up and i do lets see where to begin ok here it goes new images in the goku.gohan,goten,group,trunks,vegeta,krillin,piccolo,pan.gotenks,vegetto,bardock and androids 17. whoa there you go i'll be updating again on my birthday which is 6 days away see you then also added my power levels back up and i've got an episode list both japaense and english


ok long time since i updated i know but since i have summer school it will make it harder for me to update. I hope to have my pictures i have(and i have a lot) sometime later today if not tomorrow for sure. i've just added some animated gifs page 6 and 7 hope you like them. Oh since i wan't here for Canada Day i wish Canada a happy birthday!!!


ok i'm back after a week of not updating which is very good. ok big update in the picture section i have new images in the group,goten,goku,gohan,vegeta,trunks and i've got a new section for my pictures Tapion from movie 13 check it out


ok last update before i move away i hope to have the internet back by tuesday ok will today i've added new pics in the goten, gohan,goku and group sections. Please take my survey. Hope to added freeza or cell pictures soon!!!!


today is a big update i've add pics is the trunks,gotenks,bardock,android17,group,vegeta,goku,gohan ans i've added a Turles pic section as well as i've got some new animated gifs too go and check it out ok. also remember to take my survey ok.


today i've added a poll it's the button right after all my vote for me! please check it out


Today i've added new pics is the vegeta,trunks,piccolo,gogeta,pan and goku jr also i've added some new animated gifs too.


today i've got some new pics up in the gotenks,goten,goku,group,vegetto sections more to come


Wow one update after another today i've added new people in the info Androids 17 and 18, Tapion and Turles check it out, and i've finially got the cell info up too.


today i've added power levels to my page.


today i've added the bulma pics section as well asa bouns picture section i've added goku jr the character in the GT special. i've also added new pics the the gohan, goku, piccolo, krillin, vegeta, and pan. also i've added one new sound it goku nimbus call. hope to get some bad guys pictures up soon!!!


today was a big update i've added a lot of things today like i've added in sounds,animated gifs and i've added new pics in the following sections vegeta, gohan, goku, and trunks check it out. Bluma Pics Coming soon!!!


i've got a new picture section Pan and i've also added new pics in the goten section. I've FINIALLY got the freeza info updated. Cell info coming soon! As well as a bulma picture section look for it sometime this week or next.


sorry for not updating but i've been busy latey and i've just haven't gotten around to updating until today. today i've got some new images in the goku, vegeta,gohan,group,goten,gotenks,trunks, and gogeta. i hope to add more sounds soon as well as the info for freeza.


today i've added the androids picture section


today i've added more sounds!! Coming Soon Cell and freeza info as well as a cell and freeza pic section!


Today i've added a news section and i've added the gotenks picture section as well as i've added some new pics in all but the vegetto and piccolo sections. So go and check it out!


Coming soon Gotenks picture section i've added a new link to my links page


today i've add pics in the goku,gohan,trunks,vegeta and piccolo and i've add a krillin images page also i've added a webrings page none i have yet but look for some today or tomorrow check it out


today im adding the piccolo pics section so look for it sometime today!


today i've add pics in all the sections and i've add an animated gifs section, and i've finially added more sounds too. so check it out! Piccolo Pictures coming soon!!!


today i've added images in the goku,gohan,vegeta,goten,group, and trunks section. Look for more sounds soon and maybe a animated gif page.


today i've add the bad guys in my info section and i'll have more pics up sometime later on today


today I've added the goten images and i got a new pic of gogeta up.


today I've added more images in the vegeta,goku,trunks,gogeta,gohan and group also i've finally got the vegeta info up. I've added a links page too.
