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Always Harry Potter

Updates (May 19, 2002)

A new web site is in the works! I was on vacation this weekend, so I'm not quite finished yet. I have added MANY new features! HOPEFULLY THE NEW SITE WILL BE UP THIS WEEK! Don't worry about a will be redirected to it:) I'll have more news for you soon!

Oliver Wood (Sean Biggerstaff) Fans CLICK HERE!

I found this - a fan site devoted entirely to Sean Biggerstaff. If you didn't already know, Sean Biggerstaff plays Oliver Wood in the Harry Potter movie, and he is hot!

There isn't much on the site yet, but I'm sure it will keep growing!

Our Links

General Harry Potter
News * AOL Chat Transcript with JK * Funny Harry Potter Quotes * Facts & Rumors * The OFFICIAL HP Movie Site * Harry Potter Links * My Review for the Hogwarts School Books


I know I've started the RPG about 20 times, but if you would like to join it FOR THE LAST TIME, I PROMISE, (my apologies to those already in it) email me here, and I will let you know ASAP if you're in or not. I will accept anyone willing to join.

This will be your classic RPG; you'll be sorted into different houses, have homework assignments, quidditch games, etc.

Harry Potter Rehab Center * Join our Mailing List * The Wizard Pen Pals Station * Role-Playing Message Board

The Daily Prophet
Edition One * Edition Two * Edition Three * Help the DP!

Fan Works
Fan Fiction * Fan Art * Fan Poetry * Fan Fiction Zine

Hermione's Homework Help * The Plan to Write to JK Rowling * Easy Trivia

In Association with

Cool Links

Fan Fic Site: Harry Potter Fan Fics

Role-Playing: Hogwarts

Link Swap: The Lair of the Werewolf

Fan Fic Site: Natalie Black's Fan-Fiction Website

Last Updated: May 19, 2002

This website is in no way associated with JK Rowling or her publishers. It belongs to Christine. Please do not steal or copy.

Muahahaha Crystal Charm!

This picture is from the first page (Jan. 1) of the Harry Potter day-by-day calendar.