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Facts and Rumors

I have new rumors posted! They were donated by Thank you!

These facts and rumors have been collected from various sources and I cannot guarantee that they are true.

Book Five

  • We'll find out why Voldemort killed Harry's parents.

  • We will learn why Harry has to spend every summer with the Dursleys.

  • Professor Lupin comes back!

  • We will learn about Lily Potter.

  • Hermione will be made a prefect.

  • Malfoy starts a Voldemort support group (Rogue Organization for the Protection Of Voldemort).

  • Fleur Delacour becomes a teacher at Hogwarts!

  • More Ginny in book five!

  • Hermione and Ron go out!

  • Cho Chang and Harry date briefly.

  • Hagrid will be allowed to use magic again.

  • More information about Arabella Figg and the real Mad-Eye Moody is revealed.

    Book Six

  • Hermione might get injured, but not fatally.

  • Evidence might surface that Peter Pettigew is infact alive, and the charges against Sirius will be dropped.

  • Harry and Ron go one on one with Voldemort while Hermione is in the hospital wing.

  • The sixth book is called Harry Potter and the Green Flame Torch.

  • Peter Pettigrew returns.

  • When Harry finds a torch that gives off a green flame that will heal good and kill anything evil.

    Book Seven

  • Something big might be revealed about Lily Potter. This something might be important in the rest of the series.

  • Harry's eyes may be very important in this book.

  • Harry may be revealed as the heir of Godric Gryffindor (I wouldn't trust this fact, it's way out there).

  • You will learn why some people are ghosts when they die, and some are not.

  • Harry and Draco will work together to stop and evil force.

  • Perhaps Professor Snape will have a romance.

  • One of the classmates will become a teacher at Hogwarts.

  • The last word of the book will be scar. HOWEVER, now JK says that it may change during the writing of Book 7.

  • Hermione might become Head Girl.

  • Ron might die from a fatal injury.

  • There is more to the Sorting Hat than what we think...

  • Lupin will play a big part in book seven.

  • We'll learn why some people become ghosts and others don't (idea: it might only be unhappy people who become ghosts, like Moaning Myrtle).

  • Colin Creevey may die.

  • We will not see a live form of Lily or James Potter.

  • We'll learn what Harry's parents did for their livings. It's apparently very important in the plot.

  • Harry having the same eyes as his mom will be important in future books.