Hagrid's Soft Heart

By Genisis Gryffindor

It was a rainy cold day in the enchanted world of wizards and witches. A large old man, known as Dirgah, strolled around a corner in Diagon Alley. He noticed a squeaking sound coming from a skinny ally wedged between two stores. He looked in between them and saw a baby dragon crammed in a small cage. He put his large hand in the ally and pulled out the cage containing an amazing creature. Dirgah was stunned; he had never seen such a beautiful animal. To all of the other wizards and witches dragons were ugly and useless at that time, but to Dirgah they were lovely and meaningful. Deep inside he could feel that this dragon was special. He took the dragon home to show his wife. She was just as stunned, as Dirgah was when he first saw the dragon. Together they named him Tarfe. Tarfe grew and grew until he could no longer stay in their cabin.

A few months later Dirgah's wife bore a son. Once again they named him together; they called him Hagrid. Hagrid grew all most as fast a Tarfe had. As a boy Hagrid was as big as a Muggle adult was. Hagrid spent the long summer days playing in the fields behind their cabin. At night Hagrid would sleep in the barn his father had built with Tarfe by his side. Dirgah's wife saw this and couldn't believe it: a creature this dangerous to them was gentle and kind. Hagrid knew that Tarfe would protect him and his family forever.

One afternoon, on Hagrid's eleventh birthday, Dirgah called Hagrid from the window of the cabin. Hagrid rushed to the cabin not knowing what lay ahead. Dirgah handed him a thin envelope that read:

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster: Professor Dippet

Hagrid's heart started to beat faster and faster. He read on:

Dear Hagrid,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. You will see that we have enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. The term will begin on September 1. We must hear from you before July 31.


Kavira Mattivelk, Deputy Headmistress

Hagrid's face was bright with joy and happiness, but then his heart sank. He thought of Tarfe. He couldn't bring him to Hogwarts, but he had longed to go to Hogwarts all of his life from the stories his mother and father had told him. A small tear rolled down his broad face. It was a tear of happiness, and yet one of sadness he felt for Tarfe. The light in the sky was dimming, and the air around was calm. Hagrid dropped the letter on the table and ran outside toward the barn. Tarfe as usual was still awake, waiting for Hagrid to lay beside him. Hagrid rushed into the barn and swung his big arms around Tarfe's neck. The tears began to fill his eyes until they leaked from the corners and streamed down his face. How could he leave? How could he stay? These questions ran through his mind over and over again. That night he did not sleep. He tossed and turned until his body was to tired to go on like this. His eyes slowly closed and he drifted into his sleep.

The weeks passed quickly, and Hagrid was scared of leaving his family and Tarfe. Dirgah told Hagrid that him and his wife would take good care of him. Dirgah took the old camera out from the attic and took a picture of Tarfe. Hagrid took the picture and looked at it closely, there was Tarfe: smiling and sometimes waving at Hagrid. Tarfe's soul lived in the photograph because it belonged to Hagrid. Hagrid said his last goodbye to Tarfe and hugged him longer than ever before.

September first came too soon for Hagrid. He and his parents went to platform nine and three quarters. Hagrid said good bye to his mother and father and gave them a hug and a small grin. He got on the Hogwarts Express and waved to his parents, and even though Tarfe wasn't there Hagrid could see him standing by his parents. His grin grew into a broad smile. He knew he would always be there for Tarfe and Tarfe will be waiting quietly in the barn for Hagrid's return.

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