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Ask Hermione

Hermione Helping You

Do you have a question? Is it somewhat-reasonable? Is it about Harry Potter? Do you need to know the answer? Then ask Hermione. Send your questions in here.

The Questions

When does book four come out?
Hermione Answers: It came out on July 8th!

Here's a "no-brainer": is book four a good book?
Hermione Answers: Well, of course! It's Harry Potter, isn't it?

Have you read Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire?
Hermione Answers: Yup, it was awesome.

Do you really get hurt in the next book?
Hermione Answers: Do you really think JK would let me tell you?

What is the next book about?
Hermione Answers: Try the facts and rumors page for some information.

What's book five called?
Hermione Answers: Harry potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Is the sky blue?
Hermione Answers: Right now it's gray (it's snowing).

Harry is very nice, helpful, caring and very famous. Why don't you like him?
Hermione Answers: Harry's my best friend. He's more like a brother...I could never like him like that!

Is there going to be anything different in the movie that is not in the book?
Hermione Answers: As far as I know, no, but you'll have to watch the movie (in theaters next Nov.)!

When does book five come out?
Hermione Answers: I believe November!

Do you think that Harry and Cho will ever get married?
Hermione Answers: I'm not into divination, so I don't have any idea. It's too far into the future to think about. Plus, Cho is still mourning Cedric!

Does Ron finally do better than his brothers sometime?
Hermione Answers: He's done somethings better than his brothers already! Like that excellent game of chess in our first year, for example!

Hermione, you're so fussy and you fight too much with Ron! Crookshanks is cute! Can I buy him off you?
Hermione Answers: First you insult me, then you want my cat? Ron and I just have a few differences...that's all.

From movie pictures, do you feel that Emma Watson is an accurate dipiction of yourself?
Hermione Answers: Excellent question. From what I've seen, she doesn't look ENTIRELY like me, but I think she does resemble me in some weird way.

In the third book you take so many classes! When do you have time for fun?
Hermione Answers: School work comes first!

Is Hogwarts big? Are there more than 200 people there?
Hermione Answers: It's huge! It's a castle, after all. There seems to be about 200 students, I'm not 100% sure.

Does Harry Potter like you?
Hermione Answers: He likes Cho, and I like Viktor.

If Harry really likes Cho Chang how come she is mentioned only a couple of times in the fourth book?
Hermione Answers: She doesn't really have a big part in the story at the moment. We'll see what happens.

Are you in love with Krum? How is S-P-E-W going?
Hermione Answers: I'm not sure if it's love, but I do like Viktor a whole lot. S-P-E-W has pretty much kicked the bucket at this point.

Do you get killed in the next book?
Hermione Answers: I hope not!

Are there going to be eight books?
Hermione Answers: I believe there will be seven in the series...but let's hope for more!

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