A Hogwarts Mystery

By Cakemate

As the Hogwarts train pulled into the Hogsmede station, Harry, Ron, Fred, George, and Hermonie got out of their compartment, and Harry noticed a girl who was getting off with them who looked a lot like Professor Lupin, the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher from last year. As they got into the buggies Harry pointed what he saw to Ron and Hermione and they both looked at her and said, "Wow! She does look like Professor Lupin."

As they pulled into the school they all were talking about what they had saw and they were all very confused.

They decided to figure it out in the morning. They all made there way into the Great Hall for the Sorting. They realized that she was infonet of them and Cardiac Digamy was too. This was very strange because the two of them were holding hands and Harry, Ron and Hermione all looked puzzled.

They said, "That's weird."

Then they entered the great hall and saw that Cardiac and his girlfriend had sat at the Hufflepuff table together. After the sorting they all started talking about the events that had happened over the last three hours. They had never seen her before. What was her name and where had she been for the last three years? They had classes with Hufflepuff and they had never seen her in any of the classes that Hufflepuff, and Gryffindor had together.

When they left they asked Cardiac who that was that he walked in with. He answered, "That's my girlfriend. Her name is Kalie Mcale"

Harry asked how long she had been at Hogwarts. He then said "This is her 4th year," and then Harry said, "Thanks," and walked away.

He told Ron and Hermione all the stuff that Cardiac told him and they both said, "Weird."

"We'll find out who she is in the morning right now I'm super tired," said Hermonie. "Bye Harry and Ron," she said, and then climbed the stairs to her dormitory.

Harry and Ron both climbed the stairs to their dormitory and got ready for bed, and were whispering silently so no one would hear what they were talking about. Before Harry climbed into his four post bed, he said to Ron, "Do you think that she is related to Professor Lupin?"

Ron said, "I don't know. Goodnight Harry," and Harry climbed into his four post, took off his glasses, and was still thinking about what happened this evening. He closed his eyes and went to sleep.


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