A Summer in Bulgaria

By Magalie Lenoir

It was a sad day when the Durmstrang ship finally sailed away from Hogwarts. Hermione stood on the shore of the lake, tears in her eyes, waving as the ship was swirled around and disappeared.

"Good-bye Krum!" She yelled into nothingness. Ron and Harry shook their heads and climbed into the horselss carraiges taking them to the Hogwarts Express. Hermione came slowly, looking back at the lake until the carriage pulled away.

"Hermione, your pathetic. What a traitor!" Ron said.

"Hey, at least I made a friend. Your just jealous because Fleur didn't like you." Ron made a face, but shut up. They arrived at the train and boarded. The ride home was silent. Good-byes were sad sadly as the Grangers met Hermione in London. She drove off, anxious to go back to Hogwarts. But she still had a summer ahead of her.

A few weeks later a snowy white owl came to her window. Thinking it was Harry's, she let it in.

"Hello Hedwig." She gave the soft bird food and drink and left the letter on her desk. It could wait for when she got off the phone with Lavendar Brown, who also lived with muggle parents. The call seemed to go on for hours, but finally Hermione settled it back on its hook. She sighed and picked up the letter, which was awfully thick. Harry usually just scribbled out a paragraph. "Maybe he's changing," she thought. But it wasn't to be. Hermione ripped open the envelope and stared at the handwriting. It couldn't be. But it was! She picked up the phone and hit redial.

"Hello?" Lavendar's voice answered. Hermione was practically jumping up and down.

"Lav, I just had to tell you! Guess who sent me a letter?"

"Who? Who?" Lavender was almost as excited, being that she missed Hogwarts as much as Hermione did.

"Victor Krum! Now, I have to go and read it, but I'll tell you all about it later. Bye!" she slammed the phone down and absorbed herself in the letter.

Dear Hermione,

I'm sorry that it has been so long since we have spoken. My first few weeks home were extremely busy. I have had so much quidditch practice! I asked my parents and they said that you could come visit me next week for a while. I really hope you can come. Please send my owl back quickly, as I cannot wait to hear from you ...

The letter went on and when she finished, Hermione quickly wrote a response.

I'll be there on Monday. I can't wait to see you and am packing my bags now. I'll be arriving by floo powder. You have an open fireplace that's connected, right? I miss you too.



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