Harry Potter and the Canava Curse, Chapter One, the First Warning

By Ashley and Lisa

Harry awoke with a start.

"Harry, get down here now!!! We have something to tell you!!" Harry groaned when he realized that it was his Uncle Vernon's booming voice that was calling him. He looked at the clock. 5:00 in the morning? What did they want now??

Harry got up and walked down stairs.

"Where is my breakfast?" howled Uncle Vernon. Harry sighed.

"I don't know, make it your self, you know get up and walk and take something out of the refrigerator." Uncle Vernon

"Don't you dare talk to me like that, boy! If it wasn't for us you would be out on the streets!" Harry chuckled a little under his breath.

"Oh and how lucky I am!!" Harry smiled knowing he had made Mr. Dursley very mad. Uncle Vernon pretended like he didn't hear him and went on, "We are going to visit our grandfather," And seeing the excited look on Harry's face, he added, "on my side of the family, of course, so don't go thinking you have grandparents of your own."

Harry smiled tightly, then asked, "Where does he live?" Harry tried to keep the conversation friendly so Uncle Vernon wouldn't stick him with their next-door neighbor like they always do when they go out of town. Uncle Vernon answered him with, "He lives in the United States, so I believe we will be going to Oregon there." Grunted Uncle Vernon. Harry looked puzzled.

"Oregon, hm, never heard of it..." Harry began but was cut off by Mr. Dursley.

"..So you and Dudley will be going to somewhere else." Harry was amazed.

"Wait a second," he began, "Dudley isn't going with you? Where are we going then?"

"Well," Uncle Vernon said, "We phoned everyone we could think of and we can't find anyone."

"Why don't you take us to visit your grandfather?" Harry asked hopefully. At that Uncle Vernon looked slightly embarrassed.

"Because my stupid father doesn't, er, like Dudley that much and, well, we know he hates you." Harry pretended to look shocked.

"What, are you saying your father doesn't love your little Dudley Wudley?" Harry laughed hard.

"YES, our Dudley!" howled Uncle Vernon. He seemed obviously upset. He went on murmuring to himself, "I just can't understand him, why doesn't he..." Harry thought for a moment, then said to Uncle Vernon,

"Well what about one of my friends from Hog-"

"That's IT!" Uncle Vernon bellowed. "Go to your room NOW! You know we do NOT tolerate any mention of your abnormality under this roof!" Harry had forgotten that.

"No, No, I'm sorry…" Harry began. "Let me just say this. I was supposed to go to the Weasley's house this summer, or they invited me. They all love Dudley, they told me…" Uncle Vernon cut him off at that.

"No way are we allowing Dudley go to those magic people's house! Dudley's tongue- REMEMBER THAT?" yelled Uncle Vernon, going bright pink.

"Yes, but Dudley picked up one of Fred and George's candy, and he wasn't supposed to-" Harry began.

"Dudley can do whatever he want's, boy! Now go up to your room and don't come down!" He said. Harry groaned and walked up the stairs, not caring that he still haven't made Uncle Vernon's breakfast.

At dinner Harry was ready to go down stairs to suggest that he and Dudley go to the Weasley's again until Hedwig flew in with a letter. It was from Sirius. Oooh! Harry ran to Hedwig and took the paper. Hedwig looked taken aback but Harry didn't care and read:


How are you? I've been waiting for a letter from you but I decided to write to you first. Listen Harry, you might not think this is serious because you don't know what this is. But trust me, it is!! If you hear someone talking about the Canava Split Curse, listen closely to what they say. I am not allowed to explain it to you. I just can't. Please listen to everyone's conversations if you can. I hear a student or teacher at Hogwarts is planning to use this curse. Please keep in mind that Dumbledore will always be there and you can always trust him with whatever is troubling you. Thanks, and take care!


Harry walked slowly back to his bed and sat down. The Canava Split Curse? What did Sirius mean, listen to people's conversation's? Harry suddenly sat up straight and went to his desk and took out a piece of paper and a pen. He began writing,


Er- Thanks for the owl. I haven't gotten any owls since the last day of Hogwarts. I will keep in touch and listen to conversations, although I'm not exactly sure what that is supposed to mean. Whose conversation's? The Weasley's? The Malfoy's? Dumbledore's? And why can't you explain the curse to me? I can handle whatever it is! Well I have to go now, I have to help my aunt set the table. It's all fun and games at the Dursely's. Please send me an owl back, I do want to hear from you!


Harry put his pen down and re-read his letter. It was good enough, he decided. He folded it in half and gave it to Hedwig, telling her to find and give it to Sirius. She nibbled his cheek affectionately and then left the room. Harry once again sat down on his bed and wondered about Sirius's strange letter. The Canava Curse? He felt a chill as he thought about it. This is not good, he thought. This is not good.

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