Harry Potter and the Canava Curse, Chapter Two, The Cloak

By Ashley and Lisa

Harry's train of thought was shattered when he heard a shrill voice yelling, "HARRY! Now!" Harry sighed and got up.

"Coming!" Harry replied half-heartledly as he walked down the stairs and across the carpet to the kitchen. Aunt Petunia was waiting for him, with her hands on her hips.

"It took you long enough, Harry! Now as I told you, you better set the table! And put Dudley's place mat over there," as she pointed to the empty chair across from Harry's. Harry nodded and did what he was told. Inwardly he was fuming. When I am finally able to use magic on the Dursely's, I sure won't show any mercy, he thought.

When he was done setting the table, Uncle Vernon and Dudley waddled into the room. Dudley was still on his diet, and he was even crankier then last summer. When Harry would lie awake at night he could hear Dudley tossing and turning in his sleep, muttering something like the word steak. Harry wasn't surprised. All Dudley ever thought about was food, so why should his dreams be any different?

Dinner was the usual. Aunt Petunia praising Dudley, Uncle Vernon looking at him fondly. Harry, sitting eating his small portion silently, no one paying attention to him at all. When Harry was done eating, he ventured to ask, "May I be excused now?" Uncle Vernon's head swiveled around from Dudley to Harry.

"No boy, stay here. How many times must I tell you-you can't be excused from the table until I say so!!" Harry looked down at his plate and stayed where he was. After about five more minutes of that, Uncle Vernon finally spoke.

"Ahem, boys, we have a little problem here. You both know that Petunia and I are going to the United States, and neither of you can go. We need someone to watch you, but we can't seem to find anyone." Harry opened his mouth to tell about the Weasleys, but Uncle Vernon saw him and quickly said, "NO! Dudley is not going to some of your abnormal friends' houses! I don't trust you-or any one else like you!" Harry shut his mouth and didn't say anymore. Than Uncle Vernon slapped the table so hard Dudley squealed and almost fell of his chair. Harry snapped his head up.

"Petunia! Dudley can stay at Mrs. Wilson's! For the right amount of money, I'm sure that she would take Harry too!" Aunt Petunia replied, "Oh dear, that's wonderful!" Then she turned to Harry and said, "If Dudley tells us that you have been writing to those, those, friends of yours, and they even step foot in that house, you are in for it!" Uncle Vernon snarled, "And if you even think about saying anything about your school or your abnormalities to Mrs. Wilson, you will wish you've never been born." Harry smiled and nodded.

"Sure Uncle, whatever you say." As Harry went upstairs, he smiled remembering the look Uncle Vernon had had on his face when he had said that.

The next morning was a special morning, it was Harry's birthday! He awoke with the sound of maybe three or fourth owls hooting against his window. Harry, not wanting the owls to make too much noise and wake the Dursely's, jumped out of his bed and ran up to the window. "Hedwig!" He exclaimed. "Pigwideon! And other owls too!" he whispered. "Come in." Harry first took the small plastic box out of Hedwigs clawed feet and read the letter:


Listen. I can't tell you because, well, if someone tells you about the curse, then the curse can actually find out who said it and use it on them. Sorta something like that. Now it's not the greatest thing in the world, so don't go on asking. Anyway, happy birthday! 15 eh? Wow, my little boy's growing up! Hehe. I just hope you enjoy this present!

Love always,


Harry laughed and picked up the plastic box. He saw chocolate frogs and a small silvery object that looked a lot like the Invisibility cloak, yet when Harry put it on, he could see himself. He was very puzzled about that but put it down on his bed to think about later. He thought it looked very fancy and liked the silver cloak.

The next owl, Pig, Ron's owl, dropped a huge package on his lap. Harry thought it had to be from Ron. Harry opened the box carefully and found Ron had tricked him! He gave him a big box and in that was a smaller one. Inside the small box was a really fancy digital camera. Harry was very surprised. Digital camera! This cost's a lot of money! How could Ron afford it? On the side was a note that read:

Harry! Dad won some muggle lottery! I dunno, my dad picked a Muggle lottery card just for fun and actually won! Is $1,000,000 good in muggle money? When I told Hermione she started flipping out. I just told her to chill. I guess she said it's a lot of money. Anyway, happy birthday and I hope you like this camera thing!


Harry almost fell of his bed reading his letter and decided to write a letter back right away.

Ron, Wow! That's a lot of money! I can't believe it. Not even the Dursley's have that kind of money. Where did your dad find the card?? That's really great, Ron. You won't be surprised to hear that I am not having the best summer ever. I am stuck with Dudley while the Dursley's go to the United States. Please, somehow rescue me!! I can't stand sitting around with Dudley for three weeks. And I still can't believe it. One Million Dollars!


Harry folded the letter and gave it to Hedwig. Then he shook his head. Ron's family winning a million dollars? Wow.

Harry looked around and saw a gray owl hooting and jumping excitedly. He took the box from the owl and looked at the card. It was from Hagrid. Harry was sorta nervous about what would be in this package. After all, Hagrid did seem to always send something monstrous. But he couldn't wait, he just had to open it. When he did, he couldn't believe it! Harry looked at it in a sort of awe. It was another invisibility cloak.

"Hmm.." Harry thought loudly, "...He already knows I have an invisibility cloak, wonder why he sent me another?" Harry looked at the piece of parchment left for Harry to read, and it read:


Happy Birthday! I can't wait to see you at Hogwarts. Another fine year will come. I know you already have an invisibility cloak but remember Mad-Eye-Moody? You know how he could see the cloak you were wearing? Well no one can see you now. Now, I do trust you to make the right choices. Only use it for good. NOT bad.



"Oh, thanks, Hagrid!" Harry was very excited as he took the last gift from a brown owl. The gift was from Hermione. Expecting nothing but a book, he opened the package. "Quidditch Through the Ages Volume 2," he read. Hmm, sounds interesting! He thought. Hermione also sent him chocolate frogs and a Quidditch shirt saying Potter on the back with the number 56 on the back, and on the front a Gryffindor Lion. The jersey was blue and scarlet and gold. Harry couldn't believe it! It was great!

"Wow, Hermione!" exclaimed Harry. Harry picked up the card that went with it and read:


Are you going to Ron's this summer? He invited me. Have you heard from him? Can you believe that he won a million dollars!!?!?! I was amazed. Oh, and what kind of friend am I if I don't say happy birthday? So.. happy birthday! Have you heard from Sirius? How's Hedwig? Has your scar been hurting again? Sorry for so many questions, I just want to know how you are doing.

Love From,


Harry once again picked up a pen and wrote:


OK, first of all, thank you for all the gifts. I know I'll enjoy the book, and that jersey is so cool! Where did you find it? Now, for all the questions. I don't know if I'll be staying at Ron's, I was hoping he would save me from 3 weeks with Dudley. (Long story, ask Ron.) Yes, I did hear that Ron won a million dollars, and I am just as shocked as you. It's amazing! I have heard from Sirius, and he is making me nervous with mention of some kind of a curse and listening to people's conversations. (Also long story, I'll tell you when I see you.) Hedwig's fine, the Dursley's actually let her fly and deliver letter's this year, so long as they are at night. Which is fine with me, I'll take what I can get. No, my scar has not been hurting. Whew! So there you go, Hermoine, all the answer's you need to last you till the next time I see you. (Which I hope will be soon!!)


Harry folded the letter up and gave it to one of the gray owls. The he rubber his hand and grimaced. Writer's cramp, he thought. Then he sighed. He looked at Sirius's present again. What was it? Was it just another fancy cloak for Harry to wear to dances and the like? Harry didn't think so. Usually Sirius's presents had a meaning. Sirius wouldn't just get him another cloak, would he?

Harry was extremely tired, but found he couldn't go to sleep. He kept having the same dream. He was flying through the air on his Firebolt, having a great time, when suddenly, there was a blue flash, a cracking noise, and then an excruciating pain right down the middle of him, like he was being split down the middle. Then he would feel separated, and when the blue dust cleared, he would see himself flying on his Firebolt right next to him, just like a mirrored image. But when Harry reached over to touch his twin, he would wake up reaching into the air, panting and sweating. After about the fourth time he had had this dream, he sat up in bed and thought hard. Usually my dreams mean something, he thought. And it should be a clue that I keep having this dream. Does this mean it is going to happen? Harry shuddered and didn't think any more on that subject.

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