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The Daily Prophet, Edition Two

The Daily Prophet, Edition Two


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He would must not be named, or in other words, Voldemort has been seen yesterday at 3:00 PM in the muggle world. He has murdered three muggles in the process of going to a muggle bank. Planning to rob it as expected. Wizards of all kind have come out of their world to try and catch He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named himself. The Ministry of Magic is now on the case, putting all attention on it. We will hopefully see another sighting. Hopefully, the ministry will be there quicker.

-Crystal Charm


One Firebolt in superb condition, will pay excellent price for.

Dear Daily Prophet

I have recently learned from a very trusted source that a man (who my source said) resembled very close to long believed dead Peter Pettigrew, was spotted near Albania (the place rumored to be that of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named's last known hiding place). As we all know Pettigrew is said to have been murdered by Sirius Black, the man who supposedly murdered thirteen people with one curse. Though I now have information to the contrary, I have been informed by a very trusted informant that it was instead Pettigrew who murdered all those people. It would stand to reason why Black just stood in the street and laughed after he supposedly blew away Pettigrew and a dozen other people instead of trying to make a run for it. I have also been informed that Pettigrew could possibly be an illegal animagus. I thank you for allowing me to write this letter and inform you of the things I have recently learned.


Your newest secret informant, the Black Knight

Sirius Black found Innocent

Sirius Black, accused 13 years ago for the murder of 12 muggles and supposedly one wizard, was cleared of all charges. The deaths were determined to be caused by Peter Pettigrew, who was supposedly dead. He also is accused to be the cause of the deaths of Lily and James Potter, which were commited at the hand of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.

-Parvati Brown

Thank You's

Thank you to everyone who contributed. If you want to send something in for the next DP, email it to me

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The Daily Prophet belongs to JK Rowling. This version is 'unofficial.' Please don't copy from it! Also, please excuse spelling errors.

-Feb. 17, 2001