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The Daily Prophet, Edition Three


Magic World of H. Potter

The Magical World of Harry Potter

Beauxbatons Academy of Sorcery and Magic

The Triwizard Tournament is Returning

The ancient Tri-Wizard Tournament is going to be held once again. The three school's competing will be Hogwarts, Beaxbatons, and Durmstrang. The tournament will be held at Hogwarts; hosted by Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore. "I'm extremely pleased that this fascinating, and somewhat dangerous tournament is returning," Albus said. This tournament was banished when some competitors died while performing a task. One mother commented," This is a dangerous, pointless tournament. I've sent my Ravenclaw son and my Hufflepuff daughter howlers saying that they are not to participate." This just shows that not everybody agrees on everything.

-Trombone Chair

Personal Thoughts

For a long time I have been considering possible clues in the series that others haven't noticed...

I have come up with the following information from my own head:

Somewhere in book four, Albus Dumbledore comments on something, stating that he has (had) a brother named Aberforth...could there be a niece? Could she come into one of the books to come? Just think...what if He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named killed Aberforth and his wife...Leaving their daughter for...

YES! DUMBLEDORE to take care of!

Am I crazy? Yes. Am I stupid? NO!

-Decorus Dumbledore

This Just In!

Fleur Delacouer has a MAJOR crush on Oliver Wood! She met him at the Quidditch World Cup, and is sending him LOVE LETTERS! We have found a page of her diary. We translated it from French, of course.

"Oh, Oliver! Do you know how I feel? My soul pines for you! If only I wasn't too shy to tell you my true feelings for you! Oh why do you torture me like this? You have become a national champion Quidditch player, and I will see you everywhere I go! But, as you're famous, I truly know I will never be able to tell you of the song my heart sings when I think of you! Even if I was brave enough, I would never get the chance."

Quite the poet, ain't she? Puts a tear in your eye, doesn't it? If you have any rumors, please e-mail email me and I will most likely post them.

Well, see you next time, with Totally Nosey Lailla, DP reporter!

You-Know-Who Spotted!

I have learned that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named has been spotted. He was seen March 11, 2001 in Austria. The Ministry of Magic Apparated immediatly, but He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named had fled, Leaving Lucius Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle to be arrested. Their trial will be sometime in two weeks from today, March 11. I myself called the Minister, and was there to see the guilty faces of three unhappy Death Eaters!


Thank You's

Thank you to everyone that helped! If you want to send something in for the next DP, email it to me. I'm sorry if I forgot anything, I haven't finished cheking my email yet! If you sent something and it's not here, it will be in the next edition!

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The Daily Prophet belongs to JK Rowling. This version is 'unofficial.' Please don't copy from it! Also, please excuse spelling errors.

-April 13, 2001