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Ulthuan Map

Warhammer World Map Ulthuan is an island nation in the Great Ocean between the Old World and New World continents. The only reminance of High Elf civilization off the shores of Ulthuan, are two port cities, Citadel of Dusk and Fortress of Dawn.


The Shadowlands are home to Shadow Warriors. Once, when Dark Elves held part of Ulthuan, they destroyed it with experimental sorcery during a war. The inhabitrants of the Shadowlands became nomadic because their homes were destroyed. The Shadow Warriors now roam the northern part of Ulthuan destroying bands of Dark Elves. The Shadow Warriors now wear darker armour because they were so influenced by the Dark Elves.


The White Lions are native to this region. They wear the hides of white lions and carry large axes. Chrace is a mountainous and forested region. The inhabitants of Chrace are great woodsmen and hunters.


The natives to this land are masters of the sea. The jagged coasts and angry nearby seas are navigable to only the inhabitants of Cothique. Most of the warriors are at sea at any given time, while the others are guarding the coast. The warriors are often at sea fending off enimies and monsters in the water. Their armour is made to look like sea monsters and the colors of clothing that the people wear are often blue and green like the serpents they are all too familiar with.


Avelorn is home to the Everqueen and the Maiden Guards. In this densely wooded area, dwell the most skilled Elven archers in the Warhammer world. The Wood Elves, also masters of the bow, may have originated in Avelorn. Ulthuan Map


The land of Ellyrion has wide open plains, perfect for the raising of young foles to become strong war steeds. The children grow up riding horses, and when they are old enough to join the Ulthuan Army, they are expert riders. Most become part of the Ellyrian Reavers. They are taught in the use of the bow and spear while riding.


Eltharion the Grim and other widely known heroes are from Yvresse. The warriors are orderly and disciplined in the art of war. The Elven Spearmen of the area are more skilled than any others in Ulthuan. They are taught to use the spear in close contact with ally troops.


Tiranoc is known for its skilled charioteers. They would race along the coast until a great flood covered the once long and sandy beaches of Tiranoc. Once a wealthy and prosperous kingdom; is now a small group of colonies. Although much was lost, the tradition of charioteers still holds strong. The warriors fight from chariots with brilliant skill and often victory.


Saphery has many monoliths. The monoliths channel magical energy around Ulthuan. Saphery is also home to most of the High Elf sorcerers. All wizards of Ulthuan have studied in the White Tower of Saphery. The White Tower is many miles high. The Loremaster teaches his knowledge to other potential masters of wizardry who come to Saphery. The Sword Masters of Hoeth are also trained by the lore master. Although the Sword Masters don't use magic directly, the sudy of magic helps them fight with discipline and order. The study also teaches them to wield their great Elven Swords with control and accuracy that is second to none.


Caledor is is home to the Dragon Princes. The Dragon princes wear armour theat resembles a dragon. The clothing of the Elves in that area are adorned with the colours red and green. It is a volcanic land and dwelling of dragons. The taming of dragons in Caledor has been a sport of Elf warriors since their existence.


Eatine, the most powerful Kingdom in Ulthuan, is a center of trade. Many colonists, leaving from Ulthuan, with hopes to start their own colony, go through Eatine ports to gain knowledge and items. Eatine has a large population and army. The warriors have some of the finest weapons and armour in all the Warhammer world. The armour of the heroes is adorned with precious metals and gem stones. Eatine surrounds Lothern, so the Sea Guard is very skilled. One of the favored weapons of Eatine is the Repeater Bolt Thrower which can be posistioned on land or on ships.