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'Were you Whittington's friend?'

Bombalurina is one of my FAVOURITE cats. She's a queen, red, with a white bib and black spots. She has black leg warmers, one of which has a big gray spot. Her wig (which is really poofy) is a mixture of red, black and white; mostly red. She's a very flirtatious queen, although my impression (and most peoples, from what I've seen) is that she especially likes the RTT. She acts as a sort of 'big sister' to Demeter, and lots of people seem to believe that she & Demi are sisters, but I personally think that they're just friends. I do agree that she has had a past relationship with Macavity, though. She sings his song, along with Demeter. When I first watched the video, I thought that Demeter had a crush on Macavity, and Bombalurina was teasing her about it. I still get this impression when I watch it.

Actresses who've played her: Rosemarie Ford (video), Marlene Danielle (Broadway), Heather Douglas (London)

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