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Flying High

by Azaraphrazzle

Stepping out onto the top of the pile.

The wind blows through my fur.

I reach out and take the trapeze,

ready to swing.

I leave the junk pile,

swinging higher and higher

a choking joy in my chest with each swing.

I can fly.


Not a brainless kitten anymore,

at least for this moment.

Will I laugh at myself later?


But now is the time when I care nothing for Tugger.

I'm flying.

Suddenly....I slip!

My claws scrabble on the wood.

I lose hold.

Propelled out into space,

I know only fear.

Trying to twist around,

land on my feet...

but I was swinging far too hard to slow down now.

I hit! Feel the crunch of my own bone.

Against some piece of junk,

I don't care which...

The whole place spins,

grows darker by the second.

The last thing I see is the moon.