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No One Else Can See

by Kalliroscope

Figure out yourself which cat it's most like, and tell me! I thought it was rather like Jemima, meself...

You're always watching something

Looking at it

Gazing at it with a fierce yearning

You watch it for hours at a time

Before snapping out and coming back

What do you watch that's so beautiful?

What do you see that no one else can?

Why is it you can see this thing and I can't?

You sit in your chair, eyes wide open

Eyes wide open and staring straight in front

Something is there for you

Something strange and lovely and hidden

Something hidden to everyone else

But you can see it

And you watch it

Watch it closely, it might soon leave

A wisp of tattered cloth

Or a tiny candle flame

A soft breath can blow it away

Stop watching the wisp!

Stop gazing at your flame!

Come back to the realities around us

Around you!

But you gaze at it still

Entranced by whatever

Entranced by something unseen by others

Hypnotized, fascinated, by the wisp of tattered cloth

By the tiny candle flame

By the soft breath of wind

That no one else can see.