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Not What We Appear
Puppet On a String

by Kalliroscope

The prodigy, that’s what I am
The kitten genius, with magic in my paws
A master was what someone called me last night
I guess I must seem to be
Someone else
The someone who sees what I do
And what I am
Told me to hide my heart
And cover my tracks.
He is the true magician
He is the one who gave me this life
He is the one who does the magic
And pretends that it’s me
It is he
Not me, but him, who controls the lightning
Not me, but him, who controls my life
Not me, but him who moves me around
As if I were a puppet on a string
He is the one who tells me what to do
He is the one who shows me how to lie
He is the one who created me
Gave me life
Gave me love
And then gave me chains.
It is he:
Old Deuteronomy.

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