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Another Starstruck Fool

by Kalliroscope

She's just another starstruck fool

That's what they think.

She's just a shallow kitten

Wait and see.

She's got fluff for brains, and nothing better to do

Than to sit around and drool over HIM

Not anymore.

Now I'm taking my life in my paws

Never again to squeal with delight

Squeal with delight when he looks at me

Pats me on the head

Now I'll be different

My folly is gone

I won't be another starstruck fool!

I can't help it

He's gorgeus

And when I see him, my determination breaks

I squeal

I giggle

I wish he'd pat me on the head, or look at me

And I'm ecstatic when he does.

So much for my ambitions

So much for my lofty goals.

I'm just another starstruck fool.

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