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On Sunday, March 26, 2000, Jude Law was one of the presenters at the Academy Awards. Mr. Law had also been nominated for Best Supporting Actor for his role in The Talented Mr. Ripley. He did not win an Oscar, but he still looked good. :)


The following information was obtained from Kylie's Jude Law mailing list. Jude is currently in the following magazines:

I was finally able to find a copy of the March issue of Sugar. There is a full page close-up photo of Jude, and he looks simply sexy!! Hee hee. So try to get this issue if you can!


It has been announced that Jude Law will star in a new movie titled "Four Feathers." Shooting supposedly begins in July.

It is rumored that Jude is considering taking a role in the movie "The Good Shepherd." This is not decided as of yet.
