Immortal - A Kittie Page

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2/28 - *NEW!*
Pics of Kittie modeling in the 'Pictures' section... duh.

If you have anything you'd like to add, please feel free to send it to me.And if there is something on here that you would like me to take down, just e-mail me. Thanks.

Have you bought Kittie's CD "Spit" yet? If you haven't you're a loser, BUT I'll give you the opportunity to buy it here. Wanna hear a little Kittie quick? Ok.


Read it. What's going on? Umm... Where are they, damn it?! Yah... What are they saying?? Talk to me, the silly girl. Maybe you'll learn something too. Links... Lynx. Get it? A cat. HaHaHa... no.

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