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~I Watch The Children~

I watch the children down below

Some grow, while others fall

I try to help, in times of need

I hear them when they call

There's children there, from broken homes

I hear their cries at night

Huddled together in darkened halls

Their eyes express their fright.

I see schools, where prayer is not allowed

Armed children, roaming halls

Where once was art and items for school

Graffiti adorns the walls

Authorities say that religion

Is no longer allowed in schools

So now a child, with gun in hand

Starts making all the rules

I see children who are beaten

But they will never tell

They keep it all inside themselves

Their bruises, they hide well

I see teens that feel they're never heard

Such sadness I see in their eyes

I see babies having babies

All this sadness is absurd

Little hearts, holding terrible secrets

I am waiting to answer their calls

I will be right here if they need me

Just hoping that none of them falls!!

Copywright by Joan Astaferrero on 9/30/00