Mathmatics Plus (HBJ) 6th grade math book $5.00
If you take all 3 videos, you can have them for $12 with free postage
Magic School Bus-
Gets Lost in Space, For Lunch- Both for $8
School House Rock- American History $4.00
Constitutional Law Teacher Handbook by Michael Farris $3.00
Wide, Wide World HB 7th grade reading book- an older book, with nice lessons
No new age leanings $5.00
All Around America 8th grade reader, just like the one above- $5.00
Both of these are old public school readers like we had in the late 60's
Webster's Elementary Dictionary $7 HB
Castles by Kingfisher- HB oversized, full of color pics $6.00
Science Workshop Elements, mixtures and reactions
Easy to make science experiments HB $4.00
Historical Facts- the Middle Ages HB oversized full of pictures $6.00
Hands around the world- 365 things to do daily to make kids aware of culture and global respect - cost $13 sell for $4.00
I want to be a Veterinarian (Troll book) cost $6.00 sell for $2.00
Hobby Handbooks Rocks & Fossils by R. Oliver- cost $13 sell for $4.00
Home Schooling: A Patchwork of Days by Nancy Lande cost $14.95 sell for $6.00
Where do I draw the Line? By Michael Farris for $3.00
SHARE THE WORLD video featuring Babe the pig- to teach respect and compassion- never been opened- for $3.00
ABEKA Themes in Literature for Grade 9- sell for $10.00 - postage will be high, it is heavy, that is why cost is $10- postage is included.
The Adventures and Discoveries of Marco Polo- random house book $3.00
Betsy Ross and the Flag by Jane Mayer- Landmark book for $3.00
The Puzzle Club Counterfeit Caper- by Mackall for $1.00
The Human Body- images as through a microscope- has human embryo on cover- For $3.00
Hands-on Minds-on Science Easy Chemistry Intermediate
Lincoln, a photobiography by Russell Freedman for $5.00
MAGIC SCHOOL BUS- on ocean floor and inside human body both for $5.00
The Little Lame Prince by Dinah Craik $1.50
The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth Speare for $1.50
Touch the Sky- Scribner Reading Series text book- for $10 4th grade
The World of Christopher Columbus and Sons by Genevieve Foster for $10
They are both 11 x 8, and have about 270 pages. They both have the story inside,
and in the side columns are word definitions, and tidbits of information about the terms
The Adventures of Robin Hood by Howard Pyle
Swiss Family Robinson
These are older books, with no color pictures.
They sell for $5.00 each.