Steps to overcoming sin, powerful laws of the spiritual life, how to defeat the schemes of Satan, those are just some of the chapter headings. A thorough understanding of how God works from the inside out in us, and how the Devil works from outside inwards on us can be learned from this little gem of a book.
A wonderful book. It has on page 59 the best, clearest instructions for effectively praying that I have ever read. After adjusting my prayers accordingly, I have a greater peace about my prayers, and I am seeing results.
The first printing of this book was in 1973. It is just as relelvant today as it was then- even more so! We are now on eveery side witnessing a massive deception within the church world. People here in America are actually dieing without ever hearing the TRUE Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Man's ignorance of Satan and his ways enables this to continue. Everyone should read this book. Even if you do not agree with it, it does give cause to think about the situation.