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<bgsound src="because.mid" loop=infinite>

intrigued with this new acquaintance
rewarded in simple words
sensing things impossible
feeling like we're heard

moments pass so swiftly
time just wont stand still
yesterday unlike today
tomorrow never will

each conversation is exceptional
new windows open wide
opening up new avenues
contemplation of things others hide

drifting like a seedling
carried off by the breeze
landing and still jostled
clinging to the weeds

we wind up back
in each others company
like a child to the ice cream truck
i feel you beckon me

perched upon your lap
similar to the eagle on a cliff
gazing at all around me
still longing for a kiss

trying to appear uninterested
with assorted thoughts
yet adhering like an ivy
into your web i'm brought

delighted am i to know you
the fleeting moments here and there
smiling when i see you
prosperous with what we share


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