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I tend to do this often....

Awake or......
deep in thought
eyes closed tight
dreams of lingering steamy night
feeling warmth, sensing a glow
sun beats down warms my skin
friendly peaceful thoughts of me with him
there we take a stroll along the shore
observe how the sun light dances upon
the waves
a warm embrace a tender kiss
a steadfast hug
tender bliss
bending to touch the pebbles
picking a special stone
to toss
watching it skip along the waters edge
as he gives my hand a squeeze..
a tender look
i give him (such a little tease!)
i dip my hand into the water
sprinkle him a hit
we smile, we giggle
he didn’t mind a bit
he found a rock to rest on
i crawl in fitting
like a puzzle piece
then we cuddle close
these are the tender moments
that i love the most
i feel the smile on my face
the warmth within my heart

.....when did the rain start?

time to take another stroll...

extends hand..

extends hand...

<bgsound src="images/illnever.mid" loop=infinite>