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My Place

Click one of the links to investigate my place:)

Friends and Family
The Horses
The Pets

Chances are, you haven't been there yet. But you probably have. OH NEVERMIND!! Just please, have fun!!

Hi! My name is Amelia.

I'm Born Again Christian. I was saved on February 4th 1999.

I have a dog (Jimmy), a cat (Prince), and a guinea pig (Rodney-Spanky).

I enjoy horseback riding, and my favorite horses are Cola, Ceazar, and Scout. (I also enjoy baseball, computers, drawing, writing, reading my Bible, and much more!)

That's basically all I have to say about myself.

I really don't like talking about me, but later on, I may add some more to this particular page.

My Testimony
Part-Weekly Message
Verse Of The Day
Verses To Think Of
Previous Verses
Previous Messages
Being Saved