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Cernunnos: The Horned God; God of Nature; The Green Man.

The Song of Amergin

I am a stag of seven tines,
I am a wide flood on a plain,
I am a wind on the deep waters,
I am a shining tear of the sun,
I am a hawk on a cliff,
I am fair among flowers,
I am a god who sets the head afire with smoke.
I am a battle waging spear,
I am a salmon in the pool,
I am a hill of poetry,
I am a ruthless boar,
I am a threatening noise of the sea,
I am a wave of the sea,
Who but I knows the secrets of the unhewn dolmen ?


Remove the barrier from me
So I may pass through and learn the Mysteries
which are hidden in these days
Hear Kernunnos Lord of Animals, the voice of the bard

Spirit of the land I invoke you
The wooded vale
The shining shining sea
The fishful fishful Lake!
The River Abundant abundant in water
The fertitle fertile hill
Spirit of the Land I invoke you

Erce erce Erce I invoke you
powers of the earth Kingdom of Stone!
Behold Falias, Morfessas, Ghobas


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