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National Veterans
Services Fund, Inc.


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to obtain anything on this list

Agent Orange and Related Topics:

A-1. Agent Orange Anxiety: The Human Response to Possible
Oncogenicity and Mutagenicity of Dioxin Poisoning in Vietnam
Erwin R. Parson, Ph.D. (e-mailable)

A-2. Case Control Study: Soft-Tissue Sarcomas and Exposure
to Phenoxyacetic Acids or Chlorophenols
L. Hardell and A. Sandstrom from the Center of Oncology,
University Hospital, Umea Sweden

A-3. Relation of Soft-Tissue Sarcoma, Malignant Lymphoma and
Colon Cancer to Phenoxy Acids, Chlorophenols and Other
Lennart Hardell, MD Center of Oncology, University Hospital,
Umea Sweden

A-4. Environmental Chloracne
James S. Taylor, Dept. of Dermatology, The Cleveland Clinic

A-5. Dioxin, A Case In Point
Luke G. Tedeschi, M.D. Boston University School of Medicine

A-6. Agent Orange and Birth Defects (Letter to the Editor,
New England Journal of Medicine)
F. LaVecchio Ph.D., H. Pashayan, M.D. & W. Singer, M.D., New
England Medical Center

A-7. The Children of Vietnam Veterans: Complex Concerns and
Innovative Solutions
Phillip R. Kraft, Family Health Counselor, National Veterans
Services Fund, Inc. (e-mailable)

A-8. Health Effects in Vietnam Veterans of Exposure to
National Academy of Sciences (e-mailable)

A-9. *NEW* Agent Orange-Related Monetary Benefits from the
VA for Vietnam Veterans (replaces List of Diseases . . .)

A-10. Monetary Allowance, Health Care and Vocational
Training and Rehabilitation for Vietnam Veterans' Children
with Spina Bifida
National Veterans Services Fund, Inc.

A-11. Agent Orange Fact Sheet: An Historical Perspective
National Veterans Services Fund, Inc. (e-mailable)

A-12. Agent Orange: It is Part of your Life
Dr. Arthur Galston, Professor of Biology, Yale University.

A-13. A Brief History of the Agent Orange Lawsuit
National Veterans Services Fund, Inc. (e-mailable)

A-14 thru A-23 are from Dept. of Veterans Affairs:

A-14. Agent Orange and Multiple Myeloma (e-mailable)

A-15. Agent Orange and Porphyria Cutanea Tarda (e-mailable)

A-16. Agent Orange and Hodgkin's Disease (e-mailable)

A-17. Agent Orange and Spina Bifida (e-mailable)

A-18. Agent Orange and Respiratory Cancers (e-mailable)

A-19. Agent Orange and Prostate Cancer (e-mailable)

A-20. Agent Orange and Soft Tissue Sarcomas (e-mailable)

A-21. Agent Orange and Peripheral Neuropathy (e-mailable)

A-22. Agent Orange and Chloracne (e-mailable)

A-23. Agent Orange and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (e-mailable)

PTSD and Related Topics:

P-1. PTSD and the Family: Secondary Traumatization
Lisa Cosgrove, Ph.D., Mary E. Brady, Ph.D., and Patricia
Peck, M.A., M.Ed.
Shriver Center, Waltham, MA

P-2. Mental Health Problems of Vietnam Veterans
Marcia Resing, RN, MSN

P-3. Psychotherapy with Traumatized Vietnam Combatants
Douglas J. Scaturo, Ph.D. and William J. Hardoby, MD

P-4. Helping Families Understand P.T.S.D.
Lisa Cosgrove, Ph.D., William L. Holcomb, and Patricia Peck,
M.A., M.Ed.

Gulf War and Related Topics:

G-1. Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses: VA, DOD Continue to
Resist Strong Evidence Linking Toxic Causes to Chronic
Health Effects
Subcommittee on Human Resources of the House Committee on
Government Reform and Oversight

G-2. Personal Data Questionnaire for Gulf War Veterans
National Veterans Services Fund, Inc. (e-mailable)

G-3. Depleted Uranium Fact Sheet
National Gulf War Resource Center

G-4. Gulf War Syndrome Self-Help Guide
National Gulf War Resource Center

G-5. Depleted Uranium: Objective Research and Analysis
Dan Fahey, Swords to Plowshares

G-6. Model of Exposures and Health Consequences for Veterans
of the Persian Gulf War
Erika Lundholm, National Gulf War Resource Center

G-7. Dangerous Chemical Combination Presents Possible
Scenario for Gulf War Illnesses
Mohamed Bahie Abou-Donia, Ph.D. Duke University Medical

G-8. Is There a Gulf War Syndrome? Searching for Syndromes
by Factor Analysis of Symptoms
R. Haley, M.D., T. Kurt, M.D., MPH, & J. Hom Ph.D.,
University of Texas Medical Center

G-9. Persian Gulf Research
The Research Working Group of the Persian Gulf Veterans
Coordinating Board

Also available:

Why Vietnam Still Matters: The War and the Wall
Jan Scruggs, Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund

We are constantly working on making as many of these
documents available through e-mail. We have indicated which
ones are available at this time.

Please call us at
to obtain anything on this list.

Donations may be mailed to our
mailing address:
National Veterans Services Fund, Inc.
P.O. Box 2465
Darien, CT 06820-0465

Description: NON-PROFIT, 501(c)(3) CHARITY. MISSION: To
educate and inform the public about the needs of veterans and
their families; to assess the needs
and provide limited assistance, relief,
and referrals to appropriate agencies
using programs that combine family-guided case
management (service coordination) and advocacy
assistance while building social
and community support.

email us at:

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