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Backyard Football League

Game Rules

7 Mississippi blitz time. 1 blitz per 4 downs. If there is more than one blitze per series the result is a new set of downs.

Quaterback cannot run unless blitzed. If this happens there is a loss of down and 5 yards.

Field goal from first green post, opposing team cannot block it.

If team is punting they must declaire their punting, they can't fake punt after. Pooch punting is alloud (QB punts the ball without prior declaration of punt).

Teams are required to wear their team jersey color.

No Cleats.

People that are not on your roster cannot play unless if you fall short of 5 players and one sub.

Substitutions can only be made once every 2 downs. At this time only one player can replace another.

Only 7 people can be on a single teams roster.

Players not on the roster that are replacingabsent players need to be confirmed with League officials.

At least 3 rostered players must be present not later then 15 minutes past game time.

One warning will be given for unnecissary physical contact. After that removal from the game will be enforced. If you are removed from 2 games you are kicked out of the league.

If a player goes outside the playing boundries he is not eligible to recieve the ball until after the end of that play.

Onside kicks are legal, but the ball needs to pass the green pole if kicking towards the uprights, and must pass the unlit light if kicking away from them. If a player from the recieving team touches the ball prior to these points the ball is free game to either team.

Injuries invloving blood must be properly dressed before returning to feild play. If your team has only 5 players game is suspended until player can return.

If a team is limited to 4 players due to injury game play will continue with a 4 on 4. In this case a substitue must be inelibable for play.

Substitues not in the game are in charge of the tee, updating the score board, retrieving extra point, and marking first downs.

If the ball goes out of bounds on a kickoff the ball is placed 5 yards from the spot where it left play. If knocked out of bounds by the recieving team ball is placed at spot where it left play.

QB cannot hold the ball in the pocket past 20 seconds. After this players on the feild count down from 5 for him to throw the ball. If ball isn't thrown it is a loss of 5 yards and down.

2 Timeouts per half.

5 minute warnnig in the 2nd and 4th quarter.

Rostered players are ineligible to play for other teams.

Roster changed cannot be made after 3/16/01 at 12:00PM.

Rules can be added at anytime if deemed necisary by league officials that take place immediatly.