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Almighty Lord

Have you ever heard the birds sing,

or the sun warm on your ear?

seen the orange streaked sunset,

as the sky turns pale purple blue?

Have you seen the silver moonlight,

as it falls across your bed?

or heard the night storms thunder,

as in strength it’s beauty is revealed?

Have you watched the pale grey shadows,

as they dance across the ground?

Or felt clear raindrops running

As in soothing rivulets down your face they flow?

Have you seen the morning sun rise,

as the mountains stand their guard?

or seen the faint ice glimmering,

As it shimmers in the light?

Have you felt the sunwarmed grass,

as it moves betneath your feet?

or felt the calming water,

as it swirls in rushing streams?

Have you seen the red leave falling,

as in splendered beauty they dance?

Or heard the chirping crickets,

sing their melody good night?

Have you seen the silver sparkles,

as they dance across the lake,

or seen the rushing water,

with love and furvor fall?

Have you stopped early in the morning,

or in the still of night?

And known through all the wondrous beauty,

That He is almighty Lord?



"Almighty Lord" - Jaime Leigh

Location - CT

Date of Composition - don't know

Date Posted On Site - September 4th, 2000

Known The Lord - since June 16th 1999

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