More Priceless Papal Photos

part II of the holiest pictures on the web!


Pope Steve reminds you to never feed stray cats!This photo shows what happened to me when I left some chips and Budweisers unattended in my trunk at Yankee Stadiun

Everyone Loves A Parade!

Here are Half-Brother Tranniman and Brother Tom after the Yankee victory parade(1999). They are throwing caution to the wind as they are getting very "Trannied" while riding the very dangerous New York City Subway System.

Why Is this man Smiling?

This man, known as "Non-Alcohol Dave" is smiling because he has just screwed Pope Steve on Yankee-Met tickets. He is shown here with his traveling companions "Baltimore Jackie" and "Boom-Boom Jamison" This trio has perfected this ticket scheme and has used it on many unsuspecting baseball fans all up and down the east coast and in Queens, N.Y....DO NOT get involved in any ticket deals with this man.