The First Day

Today saw the camp gather and start in a full day of program activities. Much of the free-time scouts use either gathering in small groups for conversations, playing sports,or visiting the Kross. The kross is the home of many skill activities, the post office, the bank, the store, the café and disco.

This website is now being used by many scouts as a way of sending images home. So enjoy the sites and your sons will identify who the scouts are that you don’t recognize when they return home.

Today’s installment includes the atholl experience ( a messy COPE course), drama (as if our boys need instruction on acting), and campsite maintenance. For the scouts in Morrison sub-camp (Justin’s patrol), the Polish scouts have proven to be just as crazy as our scouts. They both drive the sub-camp chief crazy.

We have experienced some server problems, so uploading became a problem. Please excuse the delay and enjoy the photo's from the first two days of camp. The boys have gotten into clothes swapping as you can see. The site includes pictures that should give you a taste of the flavor of the camp.

Pictures of the first full day

Additional pictures from our first two days

A Short Hike From Camp
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