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The Highland Games


Today we traveled with the newly arrived Polish, Japanese, and Irish scouts to the 129th Airth Highland Games. Besides a fair like atmosphere and games of skill and luck, there were track and field events, Scottish style. The scouts witnessed various distance races, cycling races, the hammer throw, the caber toss, various tugs of war, and of course dance competition. Several of the scouts commented on the skill, grace, and stamina required of the dancers.

Our own “not so little” Mikey incurred the wrath of several Scottish scouts by besting him in a slugfest of a competition.(see pictures) The day was sunny and warm. For those of troop 36 who are reading this, John Somerville has a reputation similar to that held by Jack Berry; go camping or on a trip you have an 85% chance of rain. So far we are challenging the odds and winning.

The boys enjoyed the marching band that performed and were awed by one competitor in particular, naming him “Scottish Randall”. Tomorrow the boys are traveling with their respective host families before Tuesdays departure for Blair Atholl. John Somerville and John Grim are already up at Blair so, Brian Faucher and I have total control of his house. Tonight many of the scouts are going to a pool/water park, later…..(got ya Claire)

Some Highlights

The Dancers

The Caber Toss