The set was crazy. There was security around every corner. Eliza had to give her name to what looked like a bouncer of a club. He looked on a clip board for her name and then let her in. She shook her head from all the hussle and bussle and looked around to see if there was a dressing room or somewhere where she would be able to find someone to talk to about the shoot. She was pretty much new at this.

As she looked around for someone with a headset, she totally didn't see someone walking towards her. He obviously wasn't paying any attention either to her. SMACK!

"Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry." He said, getting up off the floor to see if the girl he had knocked over was alright.

Eliza blew on her hand that was scraped at the palm and she looked up to see a very handsome guy standing over her. She blinked a few times, to make sure that this was really a real person and not a figment of her imagination. Then she blushed as she realized he was staring at her.

"Are you alright?" He asked again, offering his hand. "I didn't mean to knock you over."

"Don't worry." She said, sweetly. She took his hand and he helped her up. "You didn't do any damage. I'm a nerd. I wasn't looking where I was going. I was trying to find someone to direct me where to go and now i'm probably late and I'll probably get fired now...."

"Who are you looking for?" He asked.

"Oh, just someone who could direct me where to go. I'm here to work on the music video today."

Nick took a close look at her. She was very familiar to him. It then hit him that he had personally hand picked her head shot out of hundreds of models that they had looked through for the music video. He had seen her face, it was so pure and so innocent. He knew immediatly that he wanted her to be the girl in his scenes for the video "It's True."

"I think I may be able to help you." He said, shyly.

"Can you?" Her eyes pleaded with him.

"Yeah. I'm actually in the video." He said, smiling. "I'm Nick Carter, I'm in the band."

Eliza gawked at him. "Oh god. I feel like a retard now." She said, blushing. "I totally didn't know....I'm so sorry."

Nick smiled. "What are you sorry for? For not recongnizing me? God, that's nice for a change." He said, sweetly.

She met his smile and smiled back. "Well, Nick. I'm Eliza. It was nice to meet you, but could you point me in the right direction. I'd hate to get fired."

Nick escorted her towards the dressing room where all the girls that were picked for the video were. He spoke to the director and he smiled. There was no way he'd let anyone on the set fire her for being late for his klutziness.

* * *

Eliza met with all of the models that were working there that day. One was extremaly nice. Her name was Leighanne Wallace. She was very sweet and she was easy to warm up too. Maggie was a red head who was a little on the bitchy side. But, thankfully, Eliza would only have to work with her for three days. Vanessa was really shy, she had dark, shiny black hair. And then there was Patricia. She was another one of the bitchy side, but Eliza figured it was safe as long as she stayed on there good sides.

"Alright ladies. I need you on the set." The director called over the intercom.

"This is the fun part." Leighanne said, to Eliza. "The dressing and make up part always sucks. But, now it's your time to shine."

"I'm a little nervous, actually. Are you?"

"Nah, I've done two backstreet video's before this. It's a piece of cake." She pointed to one of the guys who had sandy blonde hair. "See that one?"


"We met on the first video and now were engaged to be married, four years later." She said, smiling.

"Aww, congratulations. Wow, that's amazing." Eliza said.

"Thanks. Brian is really nice and so are the other guys. You'll have fun."

"Ok." Eliza said, confidently.

"Maggie, I need you with Kevin. Patricia I need you with Howie. Vanessa will be with AJ. Leighanne, your with Brian. And that leaves Eliza to Nick. So if you'll all stand by your backstreet boy, I'll go over the concept of the video.

Nick smiled. "So we meet again." He said, quietly.

"Yes, it looks like we have." She said, smiling.

As Eliza listened to the director, she got a weird feeling in her gut. She had a feeling that someone was watching her. She shook off that feeling and took her place as the director placed each model and boy in a different scene. Nick noticed something looked wrong.

"Are you nervous?" He asked. "It's really not a big deal. I don't bite......hard." He said, in his best austin powers voice.

She laughed. "No, I'm not really nervous. I kind of had a fight with this guy I'm seeing and now I have a weird feeling about it."

Nick's heart sank when he heard her talk about a guy. "Wanna talk about it?" He asked.

"It's not really a big deal. He's just very protective of me. Sometimes it's scarey."

"Well, he probably loves you. That's why."

"Well, love shouldn't make me feel terrified of him." She said, honestly.

"That's true."

"What's his name?" Nick asked.

"Bryan. You might know him. He's from Westlife."

Nick's eyes popped open. "I do know him. I know of him. How did you meet him?"

"On a modeling thing. It was weird. We never see eachother and when we do. He controls every move I make."

"Wow, I'm sorry." He said, honestly.

"Wow, listen to me talk about myself. I'm sorry, I'll shut up."

"You can if you want. But I kinda like listening to you." He said, sweetly.

"Thanks, that's nice."

* * *

After the guys and the girls did a few shoots with their scenes, the director decided everyone should take a half hour break. Everyone pretty much went into a corner and pulled out a cell phone. It was crazy. Eliza decided to head over to a vendor who was making iced coffee's. Nick had gone over to call his mother who was in California. As Eliza was handed her iced coffee, she was tapped on the shoulder. She was startled and she turned around quickly.

"Bryan?" She snapped.

"You surprised?" He asked, holding his arms out, looking for a hug.

"Yeah I am. And I am not happy!" She snapped at him again.

"What's the matter?" He asked angrily. "You don't show me respect, ever!"

"You wanna know what's the matter? I'm here at my job. A job I take very seriously! And you, you're spying on me, aren't you? That's so pathetic, Bryan! Why can't you just let me have my life!"

Nick had gotten off of his cell and noticed that Eliza was talking to a very familar guy. It was Bryan from Westlife. Nick kept his distance, figuring he'd jump in if he needed too. He watched as Eliza's face grew saddened and angry.

"Why? Because your my girlfriend, Eliza! MINE! God, don't you think it's hard dating you for a year and a half and we hardly make out! That's pathetic, Eliza! So I'm not the pathetic one here. It's you! You're such a goody goody! You'd rather be felt up by some stupid Backstreet Boy, then you're own boyfriend! You've got problems!"

Eliza gasped and raised her hand to slap his face, but he was quick and he grabbed it tightly. This caused her to make a pained face and Nick started walking towards her.

"Don't ever think of that, Eliza! Wanna know why?" He asked, as he saw Nick coming.

"Why?" She asked, shakily.

"Because you'll never win." He said, in a gruffed, low voice.

Nick cleared his throat. "There you are, I was looking for you. Are you ready to begin shooting?"

"Y-yeah." She was shaken up by what Bryan had said.

"Well, if it isn't Nick Carter. How are you?" He asked, fakely.

"Doing just fine, and you?" Nick asked in the same tone.

"Pretty good. Just having a chat with my girlfriend."

"A chat?" Nick asked. "Looked more likely you were laying down threats."

"Threats?" Bryan asked. "That's crazy. I'd never do that to my Eliza."

She cringed as she heard him refer to him as 'her's'. Bryan walked off to the far end of the studio and sat on the ground as Eliza ran off into a different hallway. Somewhere she thought she could be alone. She faced the wall and let herself cry. Something she had been doing more often then she'd like to with Bryan. He made her so upset, she often spent her time alone crying. Nick followed her and wathched as she leaned her body against the hard, cold wall, for support.

"That can't be comfortable." He said, softly. "I've got a softer shoulder."

She looked up and saw Nick. She quickly whiped the tears that were streaming down her cheeks and she sniffled her nose. She smiled as if nothing was wrong and she hadn't been crying. Nick clicked his tongue.

"You know it's not good to hide your feelings."

"Really?" She sniffed. "Who says?"

"My mom once told me, I think." He said, smiling. "Come on, we've got a video to shoot. And it can't be shot without you in it."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Can you do me a favor?" She asked.


"You have bodyguards here, right?" She asked.

"Of course."

"Do you think you can get one to be near Bryan."

"For his safety?" Nick asked, shocked.

Eliza looked down at her shaking hands. Tears began to stream down her face again. She shook her head. "No, for mine." She said, quietly.