"That's a wrap! I'll see you all back here tomorrow morning. Bright and early, everyone!" The director yelled.

Eliza made her way over to the dressing room. She had forgotten all about the encounter with Bryan and her spirits were finally lifted. Nick had told her some funny stories that had literally almost made her cry. She looked over at him, he was kneeling down so he was level with one of the younger girls on the set. She was one of the worker's daughters. She looked completely smitten to be meeting him. He kissed her hand and signed something for her. Eliza thought about Bryan for a moment. Never once had she been backstage at a show and seen him show that kind of affection towards one of his really young fans. Did Bryan even have a heart?

"Well, I'm off...." She said, as Nick stood and walked to get his stuff. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

"You're leaving so soon?" He asked. "You sure you can't stick around? A few of us are going to go catch a movie." Nick face lit up like a Christmas tree.

She looked at her watch. It was only 8:30. She looked over to see if there was any trace of Bryan still being on the set. She had hoped he would get bored and leave. And, it looks like he did get bored. He was know where to be seen.

"Stop." Nick said.

She narrowed her eyes in on him. "Stop with what?"

"Thinking of if Bryan will mind or not."

She sighed. "Your so right. I'm just gonna call my apartment and tell my roommates I'll be back later. I just don't want them to get worried or something."

"Ok, we'll be over there." Nick said, referring to him, Leighanne, Brian, AJ and his girlfriend Amanda.

Eliza dialed the number to the apartment. Amber picked up the phone. Eliza told her the situation and she explained she'd be back by midnight at the latest. Eliza heard a click on the phone, wondering if someone else had picked it up.

"Sara? Did you pick up?" Amber asked, to dead silence.

"Sara." Eliza asked, into the phone.

"Maybe I have another call." Amber said. "Have fun sweety. Don't be a bad girl."

"I won't. Hey, why aren't you on a date?"

"I'm going. I was just about to leave. Have fun, Liza." Amber said, using her friends Nickname.

"You too." She said, as she hung up.

Amber clicked over and asked if someone was on the other line. Know one. She hung up the phone and looked around for Sara. Sara was asleep on her bed. Amber placed her hands on her hips and felt something was weird. She looked into Eliza's room and saw Bryan sitting on her bed.

"Bryan!" She yelled, shocked. "What the hell? How did you get in?"

"I let myself in. I have a key, you know?" He said, snappy.

"God, you scared me. I didn't hear you come in."

"Yeah, you're too wrapped up in yourself to notice anything that goes on around you. Bitch."

"You're the biggest ass on earth, Bryan." She said, gruffing at him.

"I know." He said, thinking of the compliment he was just given. "So, the movies tonight, eh?" He asked.

"Don't even think of it, Bryan! Let her have her fun. She doesn't sneak around Irland looking for you. She trusts you. Why can't you let her breathe?"

"I can. I'll stay here." He said, obediently.

"Good. I'm going out. Leave Sara alone. She's sleeping."

"Ok." He said, smiling at her.

* * *

AJ and Amanda and Brian and Leighanne had arrived at the movie theatres in downtown Orlando a few minutes before Nick and Eliza. Nick held the door open for her and she smiled greatfully at him. He walked ahead of her and took out her wallet. She reached into her purse to grab a ten dollar bill and before she knew what had happened. Nick had already payed for her movie. She slapped his arm gently.

"What are you doing?" She asked. "I'm capable of paying for a movie you know?"

Nick smiled. "I'm sure you are! But, it's my treat tonight, ok?" He asked, as he walked over to the consession stand. "What do you like to drink."

"I'll just have a water." She said.

"She'll have a large Sprite." Nick said.

She slapped his arm again. "Nick." She whispered. "How do you know I even like sprite?" She asked, crossing her arms.

"You were drinking it during the break." He said, smiling. "I'll have a Mountain Dew, Please. Oh, and a large tub of popcorn. Extra buttah." He said, rubbing his tummy.

She laughed. She grabbed a few napkins and two straws and followed Nick into the direction of the theater their movie was playing in. She looked up at the sign and saw "What Lies Beneath". She scratched her head. She didn't know they were seeing a horror flick.

"It seems you've forgotten to mention the fact were watching a horror movie, Nick. I don't really like them all that much." She admitted. "I know it's stupid, but I'll probably spend the whole movie in the bathroom."

Nick took her arm and led her down the isle to where the other's were sitting. He smiled at her and let her in first, so he could sit on the isle. She sat down and realised, getting out on a scarey part would be more difficult then she had anticipated.

"No you won't." He said, assuringly. "I won't get up."

"Your a jerk." She said. "I'll just climb over your legs."

Nick put them up on the seat ahead of his. "No you won't." He said, showing her that it'd be near impossible if he sat in that position for the whole movie to get out.

"Ugh. Look at how mean you are! Do you want me to cry or something?" she asked him, smiling.

"If you need to. You can use my shoulder. I already told you it's the most comfiest one in Florida." He said, sipping his drink.

"No thanks! I'd rather use a cold wall." She said, teasingly.

* * *

Eliza was right. She was extremely uncomfortable with horror movies. And this one really creaped her out. She found herself with know where to turn but to Nick. She didn't want to hide herself in Brian's shoulder. Leighanne was already doing that. Nick arched his eyebrows as he saw her beginning to panick. He knew she'd have to hid in his shoulder.

He patted it. "It's real comfy." He said, jokingly.

"God, I hate you." She said, as she clutched his arm tightly and burried her face in his shoulder. "It's boney." She said, jokingly.

"As a matter of fact. It is not! Your a lair." He pointed out. "You just don't wanna admitt that it's comfy."

"Oh alright. Fine, It's the comfiest shoulder I've ever leaned my head on. Satisfied?" She asked him.

He smiled and laughed. "For now."

She squeezed her eyes shut and stayed in that position for the remainder of the movie. It was pretty long, too. Almost three hours. When the credits began to roll and the lights turned on, Nick felt tingling sensations on his arm. She had squeezed so tight, he was sure the blood had stopped flowing.

"I'm sorry. Are you alright?" She asked, smiling embarrassingly.

"It's alright. I'll regain feeling eventually."

She smiled at him. She had realised that going out with Nick tonight was alot of fun. She had hoped that she made a new friend out of this. Nick was extremely kind to her and she didn't really know what that was. Bryan never treated her well. It was just like she was a trophy for him to show off. Nick didn't make her feel that way.

"Did you like that?" AJ asked, Eliza.

"It was terrifying." She said, honestly.

"I know!" Amanda agreed with her.

"Brian, you alright?" Leighanne asked him.

"I'll regain feeling eventually." He said, slapping his arm that Leighanne had been holding tightly. "I know how it feels, Nick." He said, smiling at Eliza.

The six of the laughed and all walked out of the theater together. AJ and Amanda headed back to there house. So did Brian and Leighanne, they all said there goodbyes and decided they should do this again sometime. Eliza thought they were all extremely nice and fun to be around. It was Nick and her left in the parking lot. Nick walked her over to her car.

"I shouldn't have seen that tonight. I have to drive home alone, now." She said, nervously.

"Are you scared?" He asked.

"A little. I'll be alright." She said.

Nick opened her car door and looked inside it for her. Everything was perfectly fine. He decided he'd drive behind her all the way to her house. She objected at first, but then realised it was probably a good idea. Nick was behind her the whole time, making faces at her at red lights and beeping his horn at her constantly. She laughed for most of the ride home. When she pulled into the parking lot of the apartment complex her smile turned into a frown. Bryan's rental was in the lot.

Nick rolled his window down. "Ya'll right?" He asked.

"Yeah. I had alot of fun tonight, Nick." She said, smiling.

"Me too. You know, I'd be a gentleman and get out the the car to hug you goodnight. But I don't wanna move in between you and what's his name." He said, jokingly.

She smiled. "It's ok. You don't have to hug me to prove you're a gentleman. You showed me that tonight already." She said, sweetly.

"I'll see you tomorrow, girl." He said as he beeped, heading home.

She walked into her apartment and silently crept into the living room. Dim lights were on and she knew Amber was out. She looked into Sara's room and she was out like a light. Heading into her room, someone crept up behind her and it caused her to let out a scream.

"Shit, Bryan. Why are you always sneaking up on me?" She asked, holding her hand over her heart.

"Did Mr. Carter get you home safely?" He asked, in an annoying tone.

"Yeah, in fact he did." She said, heading into her room, about to slam the door, but he stopped her.

"Am I going to have to sell a story about you to the tabloids, Eliza? Something about saying how your a slut or a hore? Sleeping around on your boyfriend like that?" He asked her.

"Sleeping around? I'm am NOT sleeping around! I'm not like that and you know it! You should know that! You're not getting any." She said, in a bitchy tone.

"You little skank." He said, raising his hand and slapping her across her face. "Look what you made me do?"

"Get out!" She screamed to him. "Get the HELL out of my house!"

"Eliza, don't." He said, sadly. "You bastard! I will not be hit by my boyfriend! Not in YOUR life, will you ever get away with that again. Get out or I'll call the POLICE!" She screamed.

He held up his hands. "Fine! Fine! But, it's not over." He said.

"Yeah, it is, Bryan. It's been over." She said as she through the picture of the two of them together at him. The glass shattered on the floor.

"You've got another thing coming baby. In your pretty little head you may think it's over. But, you'll need me. You always did." He said as he walked out.

"BASTARD!" She yelled as she beat the shut door out of anger.

"Eliza?" Sara asked, groggily.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

"It's alright." She turned on a light, only to see a large slap mark across her face. "What the hell happened to you?"

"We had a fight. It's not a big deal."

"Did he hit you?" She asked.

"Sara, we just had a fight." Eliza said, as she headed into her bedroom.