Eliza Dunkin is a beautiful, smart, and kind hearted 19 year old. She's currently dating one of the heart throbs of Westlife, Bryan McFadden. The two of them met when she was doing a photo shoot in Ireland for Vogue magazine. They hit it off immediatly. Eliza was attracted to his good looks and what seemed to be a kind heart. However, as there relationship progresses, she realizes that Bryan is not everything she thought he was. A side of him appears that she never thought she would see. A controlling, manipulative side. (I understand he's not really this way. Once, again, this is fiction, so read and enjoy!)

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Eliza frantically shimmied around the apartment that she shared with her two good friends, Amber and Sara. The three of them became friends quickly after they all met through modeling. Since they all know what it's like to have hectic schedules and they all live in the Orlando area, it was evident they should just get an apartment together. So they did.

"Has anyone seen my back leather knee high boots?" Eliza yelled, from her bedroom. "God, I should really clean up." She said, looking down at the mess that lie there before her.

"Here they are!" Amber said, taking a big bite out of her apple. "They were out by the door."

"Thanks so much." She said, graciously.

"Not a problem. Oh, I'm not gonna be home tonight. I've got a date." Amber said, smiling.

"Ohh, who is the lucky guy?"

"Some guy named Matt. It's a blind date. I'll tell you how it goes when I see you tomorrow." She said, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Tomorrow? Your not coming home till tomorrow? Your already plannin on spending the night with a man you haven't even seen yet?" She asked, shocked.

Amber laughed. "Well, Sara has a picture of him and a couple of his buddies hanging on her cork bored. I snuck a peak of him and let me tell you that he is a hottie. So, I'm planning on staying the night."

Eliza laughed. "Alrighty, you just be careful."

"I will."

Eliza smiled as Amber left her room. Amber was really pretty. She had really tan skin and georgeous wavy brown hair. This guy probably wanted her to stay the week, not only a night. Sara was equally as pretty. She too had dark brown hair, with a little bit of a wave in it. Her skin was more pale then the two of the other girls, but it was a beatiful milky satany color. It was obvious that when these three girls go out for a night on the town, they grab alot of attention.

Zipping up her boots, Eliza grabbed her purse, checked her appearance one more time in the mirror and then stepped out of her room. She was saying goodbye to her friends and as she turned the knob and opened the door, Bryan stood on the opposite side with roses. She smiled, happy to see him, but couldn't understand what the roses were for. It wasn't there anniversary.

"Bryan, what are you doing here?" She asked, as she hugged him and kissed his cheek.

"What? Can't your boyfriend just show up unexpectedly to surprize his girlfriend?"

Eliza looked over at Amber and Sara who were rolling there eyes. They didn't have much respect for Bryan. It was obvious. Eliza took the roses from his hand and smelled them. She placed them on the desk and Sara took them and put them into a vase in the kitchen.

"Well, this is a nice surprise. But, I'm off to work."

"I know you are. I came to go to work with you. I have two weeks off from our recording session and I decided to spend the time with you."

Eliza couldn't believe what she was hearing. She didn't even like to bring her parents on the set with her when she was working. She was about to do a music video and she knew that entails alot more then just photographs being taken of her. Bryan would just be distracting to her.

"Bryan, I can't work with you standing and watching me. You know that?" She said, sweetly.

"Why? I've done it before."

"I know, but this is a music video. I would just appreciate it if you let me have my career and I let you have yours. I don't sit on your music video sets or in on your recording sessions. And why don't I do that?" She asked him.

"Cuz I can't keep my eyes off of you."

"Exactly. Now, you can stay here in the apartment if you'd like. But, this is my job. I'm getting paid for it and I need to have my complete attention on the work that I'm doing, alright?" She asked him.

"Ok, fine. I'll probably just go out and get a coffee or something."

"Good. I'm sorry that you flew all this way to be with me. I wish you had told me about this surprise. I feel bad that I won't be here for the next three days."

"Three days?" He asked.

"Yeah, it's a three day video shoot. I'm one of the five girls. I have to be there."

"Ok, ok. I'll let you be then." He said, smiling.

"Good. Guys, I'll be at the Orlando hanger. You've got my cell right girls?"

They both nodded and waved her goodbye. "Have fun!" Amber yelled. "Yeah, try and keep a straight head while your being swooned by all those Backstreet Boys!" Sara yelled.

Bryan narrowed his eyes in on Amber and Sara. He could not believe what he had just heard. Backstreet Boys? She was doing a music video for the Backstreet Boys. His very own girlfriend was going to be with the five of his rivals. He had to keep an eye on her.

"I know what's going through your mind, Bryan." Sara said.

"No you don't." He said, snappy at her.

"Oh, yes we do! And don't even think about it." Amber warned.

"She won't even know I'm there." He said, smiling at the two girls.

He walked out of the apartment and left the two of them gawking at what he had just said. Amber reached for the phone to call Eliza's cell. But, it wasn't going through. She hadn't turned it on.........