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  • 1) Finished. Done. I've finally got rid of this waste of bandwith. The information has changed drastically, and frankly I'm too lazy to update it.
  • 2) Thanks to everyone that linked my site, its very appreciated. You people know my email, give me a holler some time.
  • 3) Thanks to the douchbag that left a corny message on my guestbook, reminding me that this site was still in existense. If your going to berate me, at least do it with some style. If it was funny I would have left it for all to see, but no, it blowed. You have a lot of learning to do when it comes to "cyber bashing". Go suck on your dads flesh pop. And that goes to all that tried to guestbook bomb me.
  • 4)Last but not least, I leave you with some links to check out, making your trip here somewhat worth while, enjoy.