animated gifs (Using MSPaint (c) and Microsoft Gif Animator (c)) |
Part I -- create graphics
1.) Open MSPaint 2.) Start new file -- File >> New 3.) Set image size -- Alt >> Image >> Attributes 4.) Name and save as gif -- File >> Save >> pull down "save as type", select Gif, type in file name and click "Save" 5.) Make image transparent and choose transparency color -- alt >> Image >> Attributes >> check "use Transparent background color" >> select Color >> pick a color you don't need to use in the graphic >> OK >> OK 6.) Using the Paint tools, create a graphic of the static (non-moving) parts of your animation. Fill in empty spaces with your chosen transparency color. File >> Save 7.) Re-save the static graphic as filename2, 3, 4, etc. for as many views as you need to create your animation. Save 8.) On each file, draw the moving parts of your animation and then erase the static parts. Fill in the empty space with the tranparency color. Part II -- animate 1.) Download Microsoft Gif Animator. Install. 2.) Open MGA. There are no text commands, only little icons. Hover your mouse over each icon to learn what they are. 4.) Click on "Open" icon; open your LAST animation graphic file. 5.) Click on "Insert" icon; choose the second to last animation. Click "Open". Repeat, going in reverse order, until all animation files are open and then click on "Insert" and choose your static (non-moving) file. 6.) Select the "Animation" tab. 7.) Check "Looping" and "Repeat forever" (if that's what you want), or fill in a number of times you want it to repeat, and add a trailing comment if you want (text that will be displayed when the animation has finished playing). 8.) Click on the "Image" tab. 9.) Click on your frame #1, which should be your static file (if it isn't already selected) and set 0 as the duration and "Leave" as the undraw method. 10.) Click on all the other frames and select 10 as the duration and "restore previous" as the undraw method. 11.) Click on the "Preview" icon to watch the animation. Click on the Stop button (black square box) to stop the animation, and use the "Forward One Frame" and "Back One Frame" (double triangles) to see the effect of each frame. Close the Preview window to edit as desired. 12.) Click on the "Save As" icon, choose a name for your animation and click on Save. |