Sat, Dec 30 2006 - 3:17 PM GMT
You don't say what kind of experience or equipment you have on hand, so I'll assume you're starting from zero.
Boil a gallon of water, half a cup of wheat flour and half a cup of sugar in a clean, non-metallic (or non-reactive metallic, i.e., stainless steel is OK but not aluminum) pot. Allow it to cool to luke warm. Pour into a large, clean plastic or glass jar or bottle. Add yeast starter. You can use dry yeast, but it does make it harder/longer to start fermenting so you risk contamination, especially if you live in the northern hemisphere where it is cold now but you have fresh raspberries so perhaps you are from Oz? Stir or shake vigorously and cover it with plastic secured by a sturdy rubber band. After it has begun fermenting, wait 5 days. Add the raspberry puree, stir and wait 2 more days (keeping it covered with the plastic and rubber band). Siphon into plactic soda pop bottles and secure caps on tightly. When you can't squeeze the bottle, it's carbonated. Refrigerate and drink.
I'll put up a page at with more detailed instructions.