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Christianity isn't Religion

            Many people seem to think that all believers in Jesus are religious people. This is not the case. Let me explain. Religion is man made doctrine which consists of man-made rules and regulation governing how we should pray and conduct our relationship with Jesus. There is absolutely no mention of this in the Bible. In fact it says in the Bible no man shall come between you and GOD. Man is flawed, we are born flawed, so that makes our creations flawed so all Religion is flawed. Which means it cannot be trusted and is not true.

           What saddens me is the fact that so many people have been turned away from GOD in the name of Religion. Putting unrealistic expectations and limitations on people which are impossible to abide by and when we can't we are told we are going to Hell. This is not what Jesus taught.

           Regarding Man-made doctrine. Its been said that Catholosism teaches that if a baby is not baptized and dies, that individual will go to hell or a holding place. There's nothing in the Bible that states this. In fact JESUS Himself was baptized as an adult and He is GOD. This religion also states that you can pray through Mary or a collection of saints (which are chosen by the Catholic church) to have your prayer heard by our Father. HOWEVER, JESUS SAID: The only way to the Father is through the Son. Catholics also believe that praying to statues will send your prayers to the father faster, that is called idolatry and GOD speaks against this. GOD is everywhere the prayer does not have to travel far in the first place. Jesus also said that when we pray we should not use many words like the Pagans do. Yet Catholics repeat the same words over and over again when they say the Rosary. They are instructed by priests to do this a certain number of times to attain forgiveness. There are no incantations that will give you forgiveness. Opening your heart to Jesus and letting Him in the only way.

           Jesus isn't a religion He's GOD. He was sent for us, to die for us. He loves us very much and He wants you to know that, HES THE TRUTH THE WAY AND THE LIFE. The Bible explains this.