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         Books Of The Bible
         With Descriptions


             Old Testament

       The Pentateuch Books

Genesis:   Explains the creation of the earth, heavens, man, woman, the fall of man, through sin, God's promise of Salvation, Noah
and the great flood     

Written by Moses
Exodus:   Talks about the Hebrews and they're exit to Egypt and God's
law handed down to Israel through Moses.

Written by Moses.
Leviticus:   Talks about the ceremonial and religious law that was entrusted
to the Levites.

Written by Moses
Numbers:   Tells of the census of the Hebrews. It also tells of the history
of the journey's of the Hebrews after leaving Egypt.
Deuteronomy:   Its the last book of the Pentateuch, its the second account
of the giving of the law, and the death of Moses

             The Historical Books

Joshua:   Tells of the entrance of the Israelites into the promised land
and the conquest of it.

Written by Joshua and unknown author.
Judges:   Is to the Old Testament what the Acts of the Apostles is to the New. Tells of the troubled time the Israelites had after the passing of Joshua.

Written by Samuel.
Ruth:   Talks of the early ancestry of Jesus. Tells of the story of Naomi, Ruth, and Boaz.
Samuel 1,2:   Talks of the careers of Eli, Samuel, Saul and David.

Written by Samuel.
Kings 1,2:   Talks about the continuation of the history of the Hebrews in the independent kingdom of Israel. The death of David, the greatness of the reign of Solomon, the destruction of Israel and the first to captives.
Chronicles 1,2:   They are Hebrew national religious records. A history of the kingdom of Judah
Ezra:   Talks of the history of the Jews with the return of captivity, the rebuilding the the Temple at Jerusalem.

Written by Ezra.
Nehemiah:   This book continues the history of Jews after captivity.

Written by Nehemiah
Esther:   Talks of the Hebrew queen of King Ahasuerus.

             The Poetical Books

Job:            Tells of the story of Job, who was tested by God.
Psalms: A manual for devotional reading. Every form of sorrow, joy, repentance, aspiration, prayer or hope finds expression in one or another of the Psalms.

written by Moses, David, Asaph, Ezra, Nehemiah and Jeremiah.
Proverbs: Is the book of wisdom. A collection of wise sayings.
Ecclesiastes: This book is a companion book to proverbs. The title of the book means "preacher"
The Song Of Solomon: A poem, an allegory of the love between Christ and His love to His Church.

             The Prophetical Books

Isaiah:   The first of the prophetic books. The greatest of the Hebrew Prophets. First book of the Old Testament. References the second coming of Jesus, very rich in prophecy reguarding Jesus Christ
Jeremiah: This book takes the Hebrews to task for thier worship of false gods and thier sins, exhorts them to repentance and makes prophecies to Jesus.
Lamentations: This book is about the sorrow and lamentation for the sins of the Hebrews

Written by Jeremiah.
Ezekiel: The author is the prophet of captivity. The Book tells of the coming of Christ. It is to the Old testament as Revelation is to the New.
Daniel: Gets its name from the author who was a man of pricely rank. Its half history half prophecy The story of Nebuchadnezzar
The book talks about the rebuke to the Jews for thier wickedness.
Gets its name from the author. He calls the people to repent and fortells of the coming of the Holy Spirit.
Amos: Follows in the same lines as Joel.
Obadiah: Its the shortest of the prophetic books

The Book is about Jonah. Who tried to evade his mission was swallowed by a huge fish, cast out and finally, through the fear of God, made to perform his duty.
Micah: The book fortells the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem
Nahum: This book is much like Isaiah.
This book got his name from the author, the prophet of faith its said that Paul was a deep student of this book.
Was written by a prophet of royal blood. It talks about the day of wrath and the reward of the good.
Haggai: Takes the name of its author.

Contains the allusions to the coming of Christ, fortells the entry to Jerusalem, the betrayal, and the sum of money Judas took for it.
This is the last book of the Old Testament and has prophecies reguarding Christ

             The New Testament

            The Historical Books

Matthew:      This is the Gospel written for the Jews. It shows the Jesus as the Messiah and King. Which fullfills all the old testament prophecies.

This is the Gospel written for the gentiles, especially the Romans. It sets forth the character of Jesus as the Son Of Man

Ths is the Gospel written for the Greeks. He sets forth the sacrificial character of Jesus as Savior and Redeemer.
This is the Gospel to all of mankind. It characterizes Jesus as the Lord and Word made fleash
The Acts Of The Apostles: This is the history of doings of the apostles for the first generation after the crucifixion of Jesus.

            The Apistles Of Paul


This was written to the Roman's, who were Christians and lays stress upon the "righteoousness which is by faith. It talks about laying down racial differences and to come together at a common basis with God
Corinthians 1,2: The 2 books were written to the Christian at Corinth in Greece.

This was written to the Christians of Galatia in Asia Minor. Its main theme is the freedom of the Gospel as opposed to the bondage of the law.

This was written to the people of Ephesus. Paul describes his ideal church and the work of each individual in it, with the Jews and Gentiles as one body, with Christ as the common head

This was written to the church at Philippi. It gives thanks for the kindness bestowed upon the writter and offers good advice. It was written from prison from Rome.

This was written to the church at Colossi. It dwells on the completeness of the church in Chirst and gives warnings against heresies.
Thessalonians 1,2: This book talks about the second coming of Christ and has sound advice for thier readers
Timothly 1,2:

These books was written by paul to his helped and disciple Timothly. Both are great examples of pastoral wisdom.
Titus: Its written in the same style as timothly.
This was written to the person of that name. It shows the wonderfully sympathletic and just nature of Paul.
This is a doctrinal epistle. which calls to the attention to the priesthood of Jesus Christ.

            The General Epistles

James: This book is about patience and piety
Peter 1,2: These 2 books talk about patience under persecution and holiness in living.
John 1,2,3: These books are written by the author of the last Gospel and are highly spiritual
This book takes its name from the author. Its an admonition to all Christians to stand firm in the faith

            The Prophetical Book


This is the last book of the Bible. It was written by John, the author of the Gospel and Epistles that bear his name. Its the only truly prophetical book in the New Testament. Its full of symbolism that is not always intelligible to its readers, which is strong proff of its prophetic character. Its a theme is the end of all present mundane things and the coming of "the new heaven and the new earth.