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                               God Of Creation

           In The Beginning....
            God Created The Heavens


                                      And The Earth!


                    God is the creator of everything. He created the Heavens, the 
      universe, the Earth and everything that inhabits the Earth. He is the
      Alpha and the Omega. There was a never a time when God didn't 
      exist and there will never be a time when he won't exist. Nothing 
      existed on this Earth before he created it.

                   In the beginning GOD created Man and Woman. He created them 
       both in his own image. He then created all the animals. He called 
      the man Adam and the woman Eve. He put them both in the Garden of
       Eden. God said to them that they could eat fruit from any of the trees 
      within the garden except from the tree in the middle which was the tree 
      of knowledge. Eating from this was forbidden.
	  God created us with our own will.  Meaning he gave us the ability 
      to make our own decisions. He doesn't push us to make decisions.
      One day Eve walked over in the direction of the tree of knowledge. 
      When she arrived there she was approached by Satan who was in the 
      form of a serpent. Satan told Eve to take some fruit from the tree. He 
      then said it was ok to do so. Eve replied God told me not to. Satan 
      said the reason why God said not to was because he knows that if you 
      do then you'll be smarter than him and more powerful he doesn't want 
      that. Eve couldn't resist and gave into the temptation. She took a 
      piece of the fruit and eat it. This was terrible. When Eve did this Sin
      entered the world, our connection to God had been broken. She went 
      over to Adam and shared with him what had happened. Adam then also 
      took a bite of the fruit. God punished them both. God banished them
      from the Garden. By this act of sin mankind was disconnected from
      God. Mankind was in serious trouble. Something had to be done to 
      correct this mistake but what could be done?