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         I've have met so many people in my travels on the internet that are hurting. The reasons for the hurt are many. Some are survivors of abuse, some are living in abusive situations. Some are dealing with emotional struggles whether it be depression, anxiety disorders, PTSD and other psychological struggles. Some are dealing with the loss of loved ones. Some are dealing with the effects of being in a broken homes or with a home that exists with dysfunction. Some are dealing with addictions to sex, drugs, alcohol which cause more pain and confusion. This hurt doesn't just occur with people not in Christ but also occurs with people in Christ. Some Christians judge other Christians who face these struggles. We are held to a higher standard because of our faith. You will hear that non-Christian go through this because of they're lack of faith.etc.

         Many people try to deal with and take away the hurt and to fill the void with drugs, alcohol, and sex and other lustful behavior. We try to fix ourselves. Fixing ourselves our way leads us to a dead end. Thinking we know ourselves the best, we know whats best for us. Putting ourselves in control and thinking we are fixing the problem when in truth we are making the problem all the more worse. The fact is we don't know what we are doing. When we put ourselves in the position of control we fail, it might feel great for the very immediate short term but the effects don't last.

         The fact of the matter is the only way to heal the hurt is through Jesus. He created us, he knows us even better then we know ourselves, he knows our pain, he's been there for us since our birth, he knows what is causing our pain and he knows just how to fix it. He's God he loves us and cares about us more than anyone on earth could. He died for us. He's always ready and there to help us with our hurt and pain and what ever problem we have. All we have to do is call out to him ask him in and say we need help.