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  For The Skeptics

The whole concept of whether there is a God or not, or if 
the Bible is true or not, or if Jesus  is more than just a 
good man - is really dependent on one's willingness to 
believe by God-given faith. It would be impossible to 
"prove" that God exists.  Can we prove that the wind 
exists?  We can feel it, but cannot see it.  We can 
see the damage it produces, but we cannot measure it, 
but in the most simplistic way.  If one only stops to 
think - it would take Someone of incredible intelligence
and foresight to create and bring into being all that we
see, hear, smell, touch, and taste. 

For instance, God has given to us,  all creation, the most 
wonderful and unique display of intricate, impossible
combinations to reveal that He is the Master Creator of
the Universe. Scientists want us to believe that this 
earth evolved from an explosion that just happened out 
in space somewhere. This defys what we see in nature as 
well as in the human body. The human eye for example, 
is such an incredible piece of technology, man cannot 
reproduce it. The eye has 40,000,000 nerve endings, the
focusing muscles move an estimated 100,000 times a day, 
and the retina contains 137,000,000 light sensitive cells. 
Charles Darwin said."To suppose that the eye could have 
been formed by natural selection seems, I freely confess, 
absurd in the highest degree."  If man cannot begin to 
make a human eye, how could anyone in his right mind 
think that eyes were formed by mere chance?  In fact, 
man cannot make anything from nothing.  We don't know 
how to do it.  We can re-create, reform, develop...but
we cannot create even one grain of sand from nothing. 

Yet, the eye is only a small part of the most 
sophisticated part of creation - the human body. George 
Gallup, the famous statistician said, "I could prove God
statistically; take the human body alone; the chance 
that all the functions of the individual would just 
happen, is a statistical monstrosity". Albert 
Einstein said, "Everyone who is seriously interested in 
the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is 
manifest in the laws of the universe - a spirit vastly 
superior to man, and one in the face of which our modest 
powers must feel humble".

The Bible is compromised of 66 books written by 40+ 
authors who penned it over a 1,500 year period, yet  
it was  blended and defined with each addition over 
the centuries to complete a picture of history unequalled 
by any other. No other "Book" has sold more copies in the
history of man and no other Book has changed the course of
history or the course of life like it has. 

Of all the religions the world has believed in, 
God  is the only  One who sent His Only Son,  to earth to
be born as a human being. The Creator of the Universe, 
God, is the only God who loved the world so much that He 
sent His Only Son, Jesus,  to die for us.   This same God 
is the only God of all the religions, ever, Who desires us 
to love Him and to have a relationship with Him.  That 
total theology is foreign to every other religion. 
To those who doubt God's existence, His Word, and 
His Son - this truth:   the testimony of those who believe 
in Him, know Him, and love Him -  whose lives have been 
changed forever,  believing and trusting in the impossible.