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  Tithing and Offerings

             Ah the joy of tithing and giving of offerings to the church so they can pay they're bills and do God's work within the community. Its a good thing to do right. Giving money to the to help the church and the people. We are taught by the Church that tithing 10% or donating whatever amount is something that the Bible says to do, they say God says to do it, Right? Well actually WRONG. The church doesnt teach this concept the right way, they certainly do not teach and preach it the way Jesus intended it to be.

             Please refer below to the scriptures and analysis following to see what Jesus said about this subject. Special thanks goes to my friend and sister in Christ Nancy for helping me with the page

On Tithing and Offerings

2 Corinthians 9

5 Therefore I thought it necessary to exhort the brothers that they would go forward to you, and make up beforehand your blessing, it having been promised that this would be ready, thus as a matter of blessing, and not as of covetousness.
6 ¶ But I say this, He who sows sparingly shall also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully shall also reap bountifully.
7 Each one, as he purposes in his heart, let him give ; not of grief, or of necessity, for God loves a cheerful giver. 8 And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that in everything, always having all self-sufficiency, you may abound to every good work;
9 As it is written, "He scattered; he has given to the poor; his righteousness remains forever."
10 Now He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for eating, may He supply and multiply your seed, and increase the fruits of your righteousness
11 you being enriched in everything to all generosity, which works out thanksgiving to God through us.
12 For the ministry of this service not only supplies the things lacking of the saints, but also multiplying through many thanksgivings to God
13 through the proof of this ministry they glorify God for your freely expressed submission to the gospel of Christ, and the generosity of the fellowship toward them and toward all
14 and in their prayer for you, who long after you, because of the exceeding grace of God on you.
15 Thanks be to God for His unspeakable free gift.

        I love how Paul completely and totally describes the heart of giving. As we have been freely given, so we freely give [Matt 10:8]. It is a puzzle, as to how the concept of tithing a 10th of one's income has become a doctrine of the church.

        When looking back on how Isra'el was given instructions on how and what to tithe, money had nothing to do with it [Deut 14]. They were instructed to tithe the first fruits of their crops, produce, fields, and animals. There was never any offerings of money except for a yearly set amount from each person, rich or poor, for temple upkeep [some have said, a day's wage]. All other tithing was done with what was considered the labour of the hands.

        It's interesting that Malachi 3 is used to support a tithe system in today's church. The same church that believes that the Law of Moses was fulfilled because of Jesus' death and resurrection. The tithing spoken of in Mal 3 is for the tithe as God had set up originally - in the Law - the firstfuits of the land. It was not a money issue. Which is why, later in the chapter, God says that if Isra'el returns to tithing properly, God would keep the pestilance away from their crops.

        Also, in the context of Mal 3, God is speaking of the Levi's, whose responsibility it was to teach the law of God and declare His Word to the people. Because they failed to bring the tithes to God, He was rebuking them. If they would repent and return to His commands, He would open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing on them - that blessing is His Word, His presence.

        Paul explains all through the NT what our offerings to God should be. Whether it be money, our time [Hebrews 10:24], our love [James 2:8], our treatment of others [1 John 3:17-19], visiting the sick and those in prison [Hebrews 13:3], taking care of widows and orphans [James 1:27], doing God's will in our work [1 Corinthians 15:58], living for Him [Hebrews 13:20,21], giving ourselves as living sacrifices [Romans 12:1], and the sacrifice of praise from our lips[Hebrews 13:15] - these are the "tithes and offerings" that come from our hearts as led by the Spirit of God for the praise of His glory. We are now the temple of the Holy Spirit [1 Corinthians 3:16] - the altar is our hearts, the sacrifice and offerings are our lives, and everything we have [100%], given humbly and completely to our King.

        Nowhere in the NT is there a command or the slightest suggestion that a monetary tithe be taken so that the church has money to support its programs, buildings, and staff. Offerings were taken to support Paul out of love, not out of obligation, and definitely led by the Holy Spirit, not by man's traditions. The church was to be an outward _expression of the love of Jesus, not an inward gathering of funds for the edification of itself.