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          God Allows U-Turns

                                 By  Allison Gappa Bottke,

          It is sometimes difficult to see that God is paying even the 
      slightest attention when our lives are a mess. I mean, where is 
      He exactly when you really need Him? The God is great." 
      "God is good and all the other "God is terrific" stuff is hard 
      to find during times of turmoil and tragedy.
          I know I did not think God was so "great" when my now 
      ex-husband was dragging me up a flight of stairs by my hair.
      No way was God "good" when my bones ached from punches 
      and kicks, and my eyes burned from hot tears of despair and 
      fear.God did not seem so "terrific" when I stared into the 
      hate filled eyes of my husband as he held a knife to my throat
      or a gun to my head and sneered, "If you scream one more
      time I will kill you."
          My parents divorced when I was young, having an 
       emptiness in my heart I could never understand. As
       a teenager, I felt apart from girls my own age, and
       I rebelled strongly against any and all authority.
       I had given up on God long before I ran away at the
       age of fifteen to marry the eighteen-year-old man who
       in one year went from being the love of my life to my
       abuser, jailer, kidnapper, rapist, and attempted
       murderer. By the time I was "sweet sixteen" there
       was no doubt in my mind--if God existed it was 
       certainly not in my world.
           After the birth of my son and my son and my divorce,
       both at the age seventeen, there was no room in my life
       for anything but the here and now. Practical things
       consumed me, like going back to school, working, child,
       housekeeping, paying bills, and learning how to be a mother
       I was so very lost.
           I filled my days with busy, take-charge tasks. I filled
       I filled my nights with alcohol, drugs and parties and self
       destruction. I filled my soul with empty promises and emptier              
       pursuits. Over the years, another marriage and divorce, 
       several broken engagements, more than one abortion, and 
       frequent extreme weight gains and loses left me even more
       emotionally crippled.
            Why couldn't I find happiness? Why did it seem as though
        nothing I did worked out? Why did I feel so worthless? The
        feelings of utter helplessness, the unrealized dreams,
        broken promises, and dead-end streets overwhelmed me.
           One summer evening I was taking a walk in my neighbor-
        hood when I noticed people going into the neighborhood 
        church. Suddenly my legs developed a mind of their own
        virtually propelling me up the steps and through the
            Alone in the church balcony, I looked toward the
        pulpit and saw the statue of Jesus with outstretched hands,
        looking right at me. Hot tears fell down my cheeks as                          
        emotions I could not explain filled my heart and soul.
            What was wrong? What was happening to me? Why was I
         sitting in a strange church crying like a baby? When 
         the pastor began to speak, it was a message of being
         lost, without direction, without hope, without faith
         and how it did not have to be like that. He talked
         of how we needed only to listen to the Holy Spirit
         and ask the Lord Jesus Christ to come into our hearts,
         and he would be there just like that.
            My walk with the Lord started that day, a day that
        forever changed the course of my life. Suddenly I wanted
        to know more about this relationship with Jesus of which
        the pastor spoke.
            Over the next decade the world opened up to me in
         way I could never have imagined. Opportunities,
         experiences, and spiritual illuminations did not make
         my life perfect, but it was life of healing and hope
         a life of promise where before there had been empty
         desolation. Psalm 71:20 says, Though you have made me 
         troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life
         again; from the depths of the earth you will bring
         me up"
            And bring me up He did. Jesus Christ took my broken
         spirit and my lost soul, filled with guilt and pain
         and turned me around, setting me on a new course. He
         filled that empty place in my soul I was so desperately
         to fill with drugs, alcohol, relationships, material
         goods,work, and empty pursuits. He forgave me the sins
         that weighed heavy on my heart, showing me I no longer
         had to carry the burden alone. He can do the same for
            I did not get religion. I got a relationship,-
          a relationship with Jesus Christ. Second Corinthians
          5:17 says it all: "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ
          he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has
          come! Are you ready for a new life? No matter what
          we have done, no matter where we have been,it is never
          too late to change direction, because "GOD ALLOWS 
            If you would like to turn your life around, pray
          this simple prayer from the heart.
            "Dear Heavenly Father, I have been going down the
             the wrong road and I want to make a u turn 
             toward You. Thank You for giving Your Son as a
             sacrifice for my sins, that I might not die but
             have eternal life with You. Please forgive my 
             sins and come into my life. Fill me with Your
             love and the power of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus
             Used By Permission. This piece can be found on 
             a Bible tract of the same title GOD ALLOWS U
             Turns that can be found at this website