
Links that can help you you fight back to keep our Country a place where family values are honored and laws are enforced. Some links are to family organizations others to sites that have information on sex offenders and more. If we as Christians don't fight back who will?

News & Organizations

American Family Association

Campaign for Children & Families-CA
Catholic League
Center for Religious Freedom
Child Search
Christian Action Network
Christian Coalition
Christian News Wire
Citizen Link
Citizens United
Concerned Women for America
Congress of Racial Equality
Conservative Communication Ctr
Conservatives on Campus

Enlightened Women.Org

Faith and Action.Org
Family Institute of Connecticut
Family Research Council
Focus on the Family

Guardian Angels

High Impact Leadership Coalition
Honest Reporting.Com

Illinois Leader
Institute for Creation Research

Life Issues
Life News

Jews for Conservative Politics
Judicial Confirmation Network
Judicial Watch

Media Research Center
Millions of Americans.Org

Natl.Ctr for Public Policy Research
National Fatherhood Initiative
National Institute on Media-Game rating etc
Nat.Ctr for Missing & Exploited Children
NJ Right to Life

One Million Dads
One News Now
Operation Save America

Pacific Justice Org
Parents Television Council
Project 912/Glen Beck
Prayer Network
Project 21

Reclaiming America/D.James Kennedy
Renew America/Alan Keyes
Right Web

SRN News

Teen Mainia
Terri Schindler Schiavo Foundation
The Blair Foundation
The Claremont Institute
The Christian Post
The Family Foundation
The Justice Coalition
Toward Tradition

Union Facts-Employee Rights
United States Pro-Life Directory
Up or Down Vote/Judges

Vote on Marriage-MA.

Washington Evangelicals
Watch Dog Project
Why We Whisper

Young America's Foundation.Org

Legal Representation

Defending Religious & Family Values

Alliance Defense Fund
American Center for Law & Justice
Christian Law.Org
Christian Legal Society
FIRE-Defending individual rights in higher education
Institute for Justice
Landmark Legal Foundation
Liberty Council
The Becket Fund
The Rutherford Institute

Bible Verses-OT
Bible Verses-NT
Christmas Midis
Comfort Zone
Family Links
Fight Back
Free Stuff
His Songs
Irish Tunes
Life Issues
Music Links
My Country
Support Israel
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