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Male lions have big manes around their face on their neck, shoulders and chest. A male lion weighs 350 to 400 pounds (159 to 180 kilograms) some even weigh 500 pounds (230 kilograms). They are about 9 feet (3 meters) long counting the tail. They are approximately 3 1/2 feet (107 cm) tall at the shoulder. A female lion weighs about 250 to 300 pounds (113 to 140 kilograms) and are about 1 foot (30 cm) shorter then the male lions. Lion's fur is either, blonde, brown or a mixture of both. The tip of their tail and the back of their ears are black.

Lions are extremely strong but they can't run as fast as some other big cats. They hunt deer, antelope, zebra, buffalo and other hoofed animals. They hunt at night when their prey is less likely to see them. Lions slowly creep up to them and then jump on them and bring them to the ground and kill them.

Cubs are full grown at about 5 years old. The young weigh about 3 pounds (1.4 kilograms) at birth.

Unlike most cats, lions walk in groups from 10 to 35. They greet each other by rubbing their cheeks together.

Lions are the biggest cats in the cat family. They are very prideful.

Lion's scientific name is Panthera leo.

For more pictures go to Lion Gallery