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An adult male tiger weighs approximately 420 pounds (191 kilograms). They are 9 feet long including their 3 foot (0.9 meter) tail. A female tiger weighs about 300 pounds (136 kilograms) and is 8 feet (2.4 meters) long. Their fur varies from brownish-yellow to orange-red with black stripes. The throat, belly and insides of the legs are whitish. There are also some tigers that are white all over with black stripes. These are called white tigers.

Tigers live in woods, grasslands, swamps and marshes.

Tigers hunt large prey like deer, antelope, wild oxen, wild pigs and buffalo but they also hunt smaller prey like monkeys, tortoises etc. Tigers usually hunt at night. They have very sharp eyes and keen hearing.

They are very fast runners for short distances and can leap almost 30 feet (9 meters)!! They have a very powerful and beautiful body. See William Blake's poem, The Tiger.

Their roar can be heard from 2 miles (3 kilometers) or more away!

They are good swimmers and will swim from one place to another to hunt or just to cool of on a hot day. They can also climb up trees but they usually do not.

Tigers live alone but they are not unfriendly to one another, they will met in the night and rub heads together (a friendly greeting).

The Tigers scientific name is Panthera tigris.

For more pictures go to Tiger Gallery